????通讯员 据今日油价3月3日报道,在休斯顿举行的CERAWeek第一次线上会议上,来自主要石油公司的高管们就未来油气的前景产生了分歧。
????据《休斯顿纪事报》的Paul Takahashi报道,尽管英国石油公司的伯纳德·鲁尼(Bernard Looney)和壳牌公司的本·范·贝尔登(Ben van Beurden)表示他们已经从核心业务转向可再生能源,贝克休斯公司(Baker Hughes)、赫斯公司(Hess Corp.)和西班牙雷普索尔公司(Repsol)都认为化石燃料还没有彻底的消失。
????Lorenzo Simonelli在贝克休斯年度会议上的开幕演讲中表示:“油气仍然是为世界提供能源的关键,尤其是在近期内。”他重申了之前的声明,即“油气不会消失”。
????王佳晶 摘译自 今日油价
????Big Oil Clashes Over Fossil Fuel Future
????Executives from major oil companies clashed over the prospects of oil and gas for the future at the first virtual edition of the CERAWeek conference in Houston.
????While BP’s Bernard Looney and Shell’s Ben van Beurden boasted about their shift away from their core business and into renewable energy, Baker Hughes, Hess Corp., and Spain’s Repsol were among those believing that fossil fuels have yet to leave the scene for good, the Houston Chronicle’s Paul Takahashi reports.
????“We’ve been an oil and gas company for 112 years, and I think this is a moment where we do have to reinvent the company,” BP’s Looney said. “We decided to really embrace that energy transition, more as a massive opportunity and not look at it as some sort of threat to our core business.”
????“Hydrocarbons are still going to be essential for providing energy to the world, especially in the near term,” Baker Hughes’ Lorenzo Simonelli said, echoing an earlier statement that “There is no scenario where hydrocarbons disappear,” as expressed in his opening speech at the Baker Hughes annual meeting held last month.
????As per the Houston Chronicle’s report, Hess Corp. and Carlyle International Partners shared their belief that demand for oil and gas will, in fact, rise over the next ten years despite the international push towards cleaner energy sources.