????通讯员 据路透社3月2日伦敦报道,去年全球经济猛跌时,人们争相储存大量非必需的原油和原油产品,但价格上涨和对需求的乐观情绪促使储存合约被迅速解除。
????马基特(IHS Markit)预计显示,截至2月底,固定油轮上存放10天以上的成品油量为1,920万桶,较去年5月的峰值8,400万桶下降了77%。
????鹿特丹ODIN-RVB储存解决方案公司经纪人Krien van Beek称:“各方已发出通知,要求在4月至5月终止合同。”
????据ODIN-RVB 储存解决方案公司称,储存能力预计将在第二季度开始使用,特别是在斯堪的纳维亚半岛。
????纽约商品交易所(New York Mercantile Exchange)的柴油期货基准也处于现货溢价状态。4月份交割的柴油价格比5月份的每加仑高出0.5美分左右。一年前,它还存在期货溢价,比5月份的合约价格每加仑低0.2美分左右。
????裘寅 编译自 路透社
????Oil optimism unwinding market's mad dash for storage
????When the world economy slammed on the brakes last year, there was a rush to store a wave of unwanted crude and products, but rising prices and optimism about demand is spurring a swift unwinding of storage contracts.
????At the end of February, the volume of refined products held on stationary tankers for over 10 days stood at 19.2 million barrels, down 77% from a peak of 84 million last May, IHS Markit estimates show.
????The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies, a group known as OPEC+, closely monitors global inventories, and the rate of drawdowns will be a major factor discussed when it meets on output policy on Thursday.
????A year ago, traders were struggling to find storage capacity, and prices for it surged as fuel consumption plummeted. Earnings for product tankers surged to record highs above $100,000 a day last May versus less than $10,000 currently.
????Remote salt caverns in Scandinavia and unused U.S. pipelines and railcars were pressed into service.
????But now, capacity is again becoming available, in Northwestern Europe, the Mediterranean, Middle East and North America, brokers said.
????“Parties are giving notice to terminate contracts by April-May,” said Krien van Beek, a broker at ODIN-RVB Tank Storage Solutions in Rotterdam.
????Backwardation, where spot prices are higher than for later delivery, encourages traders to draw down oil supplies and sell promptly.
????In Europe, the six-month diesel spread reached $8 a tonne on February 19 in its biggest backwardation in 13 months, Refinitiv data showed.
????The spread was as low as minus $92 a tonne last April, when the world population went under strict lockdowns.
????Storage capacity is expected to become available in the second quarter, especially in Scandinavia, according to ODIN-RVB Tank Storage.
????The six-month U.S. diesel futures spread reached 4.35 cents per gallon on Feb. 19, its highest since January 2020. At the start of last March, it stood at minus 3.2 cents.
????The diesel futures benchmark on the New York Mercantile Exchange is also in backwardation. Diesel for April delivery was trading at around 0.5 cent per gallon more than for May. A year ago, it was in contango, trading at about 0.2 cent per gallon less than the May contract.
????U.S. distillate inventories in the week to Feb. 19 fell to 152.7 million barrels, their lowest since the end of 2020, Energy Information Administration data showed.