????通讯员 据路透社3月1日消息称,挪威启动了一项针对2021年成熟地区许可回合的磋商,其中提供了84个新的石油勘探区块,其中包括北极巴伦支海的70个区块。
????挪威石油和能源部长Tina Bru在一份声明中说:“可预测地进入新勘探区对于石油工业的进一步发展至关重要。这使我们能够在挪威大陆架上以及供应商行业中保持活动和价值创造。”
????该部表示,包括Equinor、壳牌和埃尼的挪威子公司Vaar Energi在内的七家石油公司,已在最近的第25轮许可回合中申请区块。
????申请名单不包括挪威独立石油公司Aker BP,该公司此前曾表示对巴伦支海的勘探结果感到失望。
????曹海斌 摘译自 路透社
????Norway offers 84 exploration blocks in 2021 licensing round
????Norway launched a consultation on a 2021 licensing round in mature areas in which it offered 84 new blocks for petroleum exploration, including 70 in the Arctic Barents Sea.
????The maps attached to a statement by the Petroleum and Energy Ministry showed new blocks offered southeast of Bear Island, roughly half way between the Arctic Svalbard Archipelago and mainland Europe.
????Four new blocks were offered in the North Sea and 10 in the Norwegian Sea, the statement said.
????“Predictable access to (a) new exploration area is crucial for further development of the petroleum industry. It enables us to maintain activity and value creation on the Norwegian shelf and in the supplier industry,” Norway’s Oil and Energy Minister Tina Bru said in a statement.
????The predefined areas (APA) licensing rounds were introduced in 2003 to facilitate exploration in the most geologically known parts of the Norwegian continental shelf.
????Seven oil companies, including Equinor, Shell and Eni’s Norwegian subsidiary Vaar Energi, have applied for blocks offered in the latest 25th licensing round, the ministry said.
????Norway has offered 136 new offshore exploration blocks in the round, including 125 in the Barents Sea.
????The applicant list does not include Norway’s independent oil firm Aker BP, which has previously said it was disappointed with exploration results in the Barents Sea.
????Other applicants in the 25th licensing round are Lundin Energy, OMV, Idemitsu and Ineos.
????Frode Pleym, head of Greenpeace Norway, said the push for oil exploration in the Arctic showed Norway was not “a green nation”, while it should take a hint from a dwindling interest in exploration.
????The previous two frontier areas licensing rounds, 24th and 23rd, attracted bids from 11 and 26 oil companies respectively.
????“Norway should take the reduced appetite from the industry as a clear indication that oil is on its way out and that we better start the transition away from fossil fuels,” Pleym added.