???? 据2月27日Neftegaz.RU.报道,根据欧佩克官方声明,由于新冠肺炎疫情,该组织已将其第8届国际研讨会推迟到2022年6月29-30日在奥地利维也纳霍夫堡皇宫举行,该研讨会原定于2021年6月16-17日。此次推迟的原因是,许多国家仍在实施旅行限制,封锁措施使规划重大国际活动的后勤工作复杂化。
????欧佩克秘书长巴金多(Mohammad Barkindo)表示:欧佩克国际研讨会被认为是世界能源日历上的重要事件之一,在与包括我们成员国在内的许多利益攸关方进行了密切磋商后,决定推迟该会议。虽然这不是一个容易做出的决定,但我们的首要任务是确保所有参与者的安全和健康。我们期待在过去的基础上,在2022年再次举办更加成功的研讨会。欧佩克自1969年以来一直举办研讨会,目前系列国际研讨会的第一次是在2001年举行的。
????王佳晶 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU.
????OPEC postponed its 8th international seminar to June 2022 over the coronavirus pandemic
????The postponement comes as travel restrictions remain in place in many countries and lockdown measures complicate the logistics of planning major international events
????Neftegaz.RU. According to the official OPEC statement, the cartel has postponed its 8th International Seminar until next year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
????The Seminar, originally scheduled for 16-17 June 2021, will now be held on 29-30 June 2022 at the Hofburg Imperial Palace in Vienna, Austria.
????OPEC Secretary General Mohammad Barkindo stated: The OPEC International Seminar is regarded as one of the premier events on the world energy calendar and the decision to postpone follows very close consultations with many stakeholders, incl. our Member Countries. Though this was not an easy decision to make, our utmost priority is the safety and health of all participants. We look forward to building on our past achievements and holding an even more successful Seminar again in 2022. OPEC has held seminars since 1969 and the 1st in the current series of International Seminars took place in 2001.
????Over subsequent decades, the OPEC Seminar has increased in size and scope, covering topics such as the world economy, global finance, energy cooperation and the transition, sustainable development and the environment.
????The Seminar's participants customarily include Ministers from OPEC Member Countries, countries participating in the 'Declaration of Cooperation', oil-producing and oil-consuming nations; heads of international organizations; CEO′s of national and international oil companies; along with other industry leaders, analysts, energy experts and journalists from specialised media.