???? 据管道&天然气杂志网2月26日里约热内卢路透社报道,本周亚洲液化天然气(LNG)价格本周下跌,该地区取暖需求减少,而且预计美国出口将在得克萨斯风暴后恢复正常。
????根据Refinitiv Eikon的天气数据显示,未来两周,东京、上海和首尔的气温预计将高于平均水平,从而降低供暖需求。
????Kpler资深大宗商品分析师里德·兰森(Reid L'Anson)周三在接受采访时表示,我们看到情况正慢慢恢复正常,但我认为在天然气市场和液化天然气方面至少还需要几天时间。
????美国最大的液化天然气出口国切尼尔能源公司(Cheniere Energy Inc.)表示,中国已成为全球最大的消费国,超过日本,并将继续推高需求。
????荷兰皇家壳牌(Royal Dutch Shell)在其年度液化天然气市场展望中表示,预计到2040年,在亚洲的引领下,全球LNG需求几乎将翻一番。
????郝芬 译自 管道&天然气杂志网
????Asian LNG Prices Fall on Lower Heating Demand
????Asian liquefied natural gas (LNG) prices fell this week, with less demand for heating in the region and expectations that exports out of the United States will normalize after the Texas storm.
????The average LNG price for April delivery into Northeast Asia was estimated at about $5.60 per million British thermal units (mmBtu), down about 80 cents from the previous week, industry sources said.
????Temperatures in Tokyo, Shanghai and Seoul are expected to be higher than average over the next two weeks, weather data from Refinitiv Eikon showed, reducing heating demand.
????The worst is seen behind after a deep freeze in Texas shut wells and pipelines this month, but the industry is yet recovering, according to Kpler consultancy firm.
????"We're slowly seeing things return to normal, but I think it will take a few more days at least when it comes to gas markets and LNG," Kpler senior commodity analyst Reid L'Anson said in an interview on Wednesday.
????Two dozen vessels were still on the U.S. Gulf Coast waiting to load LNG, compared with no more than four or five under normal weather conditions, L'Anson said.
????The largest U.S. LNG exporter, Cheniere Energy Inc, said China has become the world's largest consumer, ahead of Japan, and is set to continue to drive up demand.
????Global demand expected to almost double by 2040 led by Asia, Royal Dutch Shell said in its annual LNG market outlook.
????Buyers of LNG from the United States are expected to cancel no more than five cargoes for loading in April, trade sources said.