???? 据石油新闻迪拜报道,由于阿布扎比国家石油公司(ADNOC)寻求支持其新成立的贸易业务以及支持其在2020年前把石油日产能提高25%达到500万桶的计划,这个阿联酋最大的能源生产公司为了达到上述目标日前购买了6艘超大型油轮(VLCCs)。
????ADNOC在声明中表示,“目前,ADNOC 物流服务公司是海湾合作委员会最大的综合海运物流和航运公司,也是阿联酋最大的海运船队的所有者和运营商,该公司正在推行大规模船队扩张计划。”“这将使公司能够为其全球客户提供更好的服务,同时也支持ADNOC扩大其生产和炼油能力,并发展其新的贸易业务。”
????李峻 编译自 石油新闻
????ADNOC buys 6 VLCCs to support trading business, oil capacity ramp-up
????Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. has purchased six Very Large Crude Carriers as the UAE's biggest energy producer seeks to support its newly-established trading business and its plans to boost oil production capacity by 25% to 5 million b/d by 2030.
????ADNOC Logistics & Services, its shipping arm, has deployed two of the VLCCs into its fleet, placed an order for three new vessels to be delivered in 2022 and 2023 and bought an existing vessel that will be delivered soon, ADNOC said in a Feb. 25 statement. The six vessels, the first crude carriers to join the ADNOC L&S fleet, can carry a total of 12 million barrels. ADNOC didn't disclose the value of the purchase.
????"ADNOC L&S, which is currently the largest integrated maritime logistics and shipping company in the GCC, and owner and operator of the largest shipping fleet in the UAE, is pursuing a major fleet expansion program," ADNOC said in the statement. "This will enable the company to provide better service to its global customers, while also supporting ADNOC as it expands its production and refining capacity and grows its new trading operations."
????ADNOC plans to spend $122 billion between 2021 and 2025 on growth projects that include boosting its oil production capacity to 5 million b/d by 2030 from over 4 million b/d now.