???? 据2月19日Hart Energy报道,三名知情人士称,TC能源公司宣布,由于德克萨斯州严寒天气导致电力中断,其Marketlink管道的原油交付受到不可抗力的影响。
????Marketlink管道的产能为75万桶/天,从俄克拉荷马州库欣向南输送。根据伍德麦肯兹公司(Wood Mackenzie)表示,从华盛顿到德克萨斯州,这条线路与Keystone石油管道系统相连。而Keystone石油管道系统是加拿大原油从阿尔伯塔省北部到美国中西部炼油厂的关键运输通道。
????Hart Energy
????TC Energy Declares Force Majeure on Oil Deliveries in Texas
????TC Energy Corp. has declared force majeure on crude oil deliveries at destinations in Texas on its Marketlink pipeline, citing power outages caused by severe cold weather in the state, three sources familiar with the matter said.
????Oil producers, pipelines and refiners in Texas and New Mexico have halted operations as they grapple with a rare deep freeze, which left nearly two dozen people dead and knocked out power to millions.
????The Marketlink pipeline has a capacity of 750,000 bbl/d and flows south from Cushing, Okla., to Nederland, Texas, according to Wood Mackenzie. The line is connected to the Keystone oil pipeline system, a key transporter of Canadian crude from northern Alberta to refineries in the U.S. Midwest.
????More than 2 million bbl/d of pipeline capacity into the Gulf Coast was shut at some point on Feb. 15, according to WoodMac, as freezing temperatures gripped the Permian Basin of Texas and New Mexico, the top producing shale basin in the country.