???? 据管道油气新闻网2月7日消息:麦克德莫特国际公司(McDermott International)宣布,其CB&I存储解决方案业务已获得新泽西州天然气公司授予的合同,该合同涉及新泽西州Howell天然气发电设施的工程设计、采购和建设。
????CB&I存储解决方案的高级副总裁Cesar Canals表示:“绿色氢对于实现无碳未来至关重要。随着能源行业寻找机会减少其对环境的影响,我们成熟的项目执行模式定位于提供下一代可持续能源基础设施。”
????冯娟 摘译自 管道油气新闻网
????McDermott awarded a Green Hydrogen contract
????McDermott International announced that its CB&I Storage Solutions business has been awarded a contract by New Jersey Natural Gas for the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of a power-to-gas facility in Howell, New Jersey.
????The facility will use solar power to produce green hydrogen for injection into an existing natural gas distribution network for home and commercial use.
????"Green hydrogen is critical to power a carbon-free future," said Cesar Canals, senior vice president of CB&I Storage Solutions. "As the energy industry seeks opportunities to reduce its impact on the environment, our proven project execution model is positioned to deliver the next generation of sustainable energy infrastructure."
????Initial engineering activities are underway in Plainfield, Illinois; project completion is expected in 2021.