???? 据彭博社2月8日报道,阿尔及利亚的能源出口正在急剧下降,或将给这个欧佩克成员国带来更多的财政困难。
????在天然气方面,天然气出口国论坛(the Gas Exporting Countries Forum)数据显示,2019年,天然气产量降至10年来的最低点。与此同时,随着阿尔及利亚人口的增长,当地发电厂所需的燃料越来越多,留给出口的空间越来越小。
????总理阿卜杜拉齐兹·杰拉德(Abdelaziz Djerad)已下令削减开支以稳定国家财政,但其政府对降低电力和粮食补贴仍持谨慎态度。能源研究公司Enverus董事Bill Farren-Price表示:“阿尔及利亚是欧佩克成员国中人均福利预算最高的国家之一。”
????朱小庆吉 摘译自 彭博社
????An Oil Country No More? Algeria’s Energy Exports Sink Rapidly
????Algeria’s energy exports are plunging, threatening more financial suffering for the OPEC member and a potential repeat of the mass demonstrations that toppled the president two years ago.
???The slump underscores how last year’s coronavirus-triggered collapse in energy prices is threatening the future of some producers by cutting off the money they need just to maintain, let alone increase, their levels of output.
????At around $59 a barrel, oil prices are less than half what Algeria needs to balance its budget this year, according to the International Monetary Fund. Its fiscal break even of $135 a barrel is higher than that of any other producer in the Arab world, the IMF calculates.
????The nation’s exports of crude and liquefied natural gas each declined around 30% in 2020, according to Bloomberg ship-tracking data. The trend’s continued this year. Oil sales abroad fell to just 290,000 barrels a day last month, 36% less than in December and the smallest figure since at least 2017.
????Algeria and other members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries agreed to cut production last year as the pandemic grounded planes and shut down factories. Yet while the majority of OPEC nations breached their quotas, Algeria mostly failed to reach its cap. Overall oil output rose slightly in January, but it’s still around the lowest since 2002.
????It’s a similar situation with gas, production of which fell in 2019 to at least a decade-low, according to the Gas Exporting Countries Forum. At the same time, Algeria is burning more of the fuel in local power plants as its population rises, leaving less room for exports.
????Prime Minister Abdelaziz Djerad has ordered spending cuts to stabilize the country’s finances. But his government is wary of lowering subsidies on power and food.
????“Algeria has one of the largest welfare budgets per capita of its OPEC peers,” said Bill Farren-Price, a director at energy research firm Enverus. Sustaining social spending “will be essential if mass protests are to be avoided.”
????State energy firm Sonatrach said it aims to boost gas exports by around 25% this year, even while slashing spending. The company’s past efforts to raise energy production have been hindered by frequent changes of management. It’s had four chief executive officers in the last two years and 12 since 2010.
????Outside Investors
????Algeria has hinted at allowing more foreign investment in the energy sector.