???? 据2月4日Neftegaz.RU.报道,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom Neft)计划在2021年开设70多个新站点。在2020年新投营44座加油站后,该公司在俄罗斯的加油站站点数达到1365个,覆盖范围扩大到目前俄罗斯的45个地区。
????俄气加油站网络负责人Oleg Kuzmenkov表示:“公司发展零售业务的战略设想是进一步扩大加油站网络在俄罗斯的覆盖范围,我们计划在2021年新开业70多个站点,并进军罗斯托夫州,这是我们要开拓的新市场。我们将特别加强在俄罗斯最重要的高速公路——M-7伏尔加和M-11涅瓦沿线的基础设施建设。”
????朱利斌 摘译自Neftegaz.RU
????Gazprom Neft commissioned 44 filling stations in 2020, expanded its network presence in 45 Russian regions
????Gazprom Neft plans to open more than 70 outlets in 2021.
????Gazprom Neft’s filling stations network in Russia reached 1,365 outlets in 2020, the company commissioned 44 new outlets throughout its filling station network last year, with geographic coverage increasing to now include 45 of Russia’s regions.
????Cutting-edge digital, energy-saving and environmentally-friendly technologies have been used in building new (and modernising existing) filling stations, with the 1st ever solar-powered Gazprom Neft station opening in the Yaroslavl Oblast.
????Oleg Kuzmenkov Head of the Gazpromneft filling station network, said:Gazprom Neft’s strategy for developing its retail business envisages further expanding the filling station network’s geographical coverage, throughout Russia.We plan to open more than 70 outlets in 2021, as well as moving into the Rostov Oblast - a new region for us.We’ll be placing particular emphasis on developing roadside infrastructure along Russia’s most important motorways - the M-7 ‘Volga’ and M-11 ‘Neva’ routes.
????Various anti-epidemic measures have been deployed throughout Gazprom Neft filling stations since March 2020.
????All Gazprom Neft filling station clients alsop can access online fuel-payment options through the company’s own apps.
????Retail clients’ appetite for digital services saw a significant increase in demand in 2020, thanks to a faster settlements system and enhanced security for contactless payments.
????Usage of the Gazprom Neft network and AZS.GO apps increased by as much as 20% per month, reaching the 2 000 000 mark.