???? 据3月3日据世界天然气报道,桑托斯公司的合作伙伴Carnarvon Petroleum公司3月3日表示,桑托斯公司已与Noble Tom Prosser自升式钻井平台签订合同,将在西澳大利亚近海钻探Pavo-1和Apus-1勘探井。
????阿帕斯和帕沃是贝多特盆地多拉多发现区附近的两个勘探目标。Pavo-1井的目标是1.01亿桶油,而Apus-1井的目标是3.07亿桶油。多拉多油气田是近年来澳大利亚近海最大的发现之一,拥有2.83亿桶油的探明和或有资源量,得到西澳大利亚近海的WA-437-P许可。在该项目中,卡那封持有20%的权益 ,其余的80%则由桑托斯(运营公司)持有。
????卡那封首席执行官Adrian Cook说:“考虑到潜在的资源规模和开发聚合效益,这两个钻井目标为卡那封?提供了非常有吸引力和有意义的机会。我们期待着一个令人兴奋的一年,随着多个钻井作业的进展,按计划推进我们的多拉多开发前期和馈赠活动。”
????冯于荣 摘译自 世界天然气
????Santos has contracted the Noble Tom Prosser jackup rig to drill the Pavo-1 and Apus-1 exploration wells offshore Western Australia, its partner Carnarvon Petroleum said on March 3.
????The drilling programme is expected to begin in late 2021 with the Pavo-1 well and will be immediately followed by the Apus-1 well. The company believes that both prospects have the potential to materially increase the aggregate development resource for the Dorado field if successful.
????Apus and Pavo are two exploration targets near the Dorado discovery in the Bedout basin. Pavo-1 well will target 101mn boe while Apus-1 well will target 307mn boe. The Dorado oil and gas field, one of the biggest finds off Australia in recent years with 283mn barrels of oil equivalent proven and contingent resources, is in permit WA-437-P offshore Western Australia. Carnarvon holds a 20% interest in the project while the rest 80% is held by Santos (operator).
????“Given the potential resource size and development aggregation benefits, these two drilling targets provide very attractive and meaningful opportunities for Carnarvon,” Carnarvon CEO Adrian Cook said. “We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead with multiple drilling operations progressing to plan as well as the advancement of our Dorado development pre-Feed and Feed activities.”