???? 据管道&天然气杂志网3月4日报道,IHS Markit高级主管Matthew Palmer表示,美国国内天然气消费将在2030年左右达到峰值,但不断增加的管道和液化天然气(LNG)出口将使对这种燃料的需求持续增长至2050年。
????Palmer在IHS Markit的CERAWeek会议上表示,将这些天然气从生产地转移到可以消费或出口的地方将变得越来越具有挑战性。
????他称,IHS Markit预计,在从西弗吉尼亚州到弗吉尼亚州的价值58亿-60亿美元的Mountain Valley天然气管道投入使用后,不会建设任何新的大型州际天然气管道,预计改管道最早将在今年年底投入使用。
????由于与各州和环保组织在监管和法律上发生争执,发现特朗普政府颁发的许可证存在问题,美国几条油气管道近年来被拖延,Mountain Valley是其中之一。
????美国液化天然气公司Tellurian Inc.首席执行官奥克塔维奥·西姆斯(Octávio Sim?es)在CERAWeek的一个小组会议上表示,如果我们不在美国各地建立合适的基础设施,我们基本上是在告诉全世界,他们无法获得我们的天然气。
????郝芬 译自 管道&天然气杂志网
????Pipelines Needed for U.S. Natural Gas Export Demand Growth
????U.S. domestic consumption of natural gas will peak around 2030 but rising pipeline and liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports should keep demand for the fuel growing through 2050, Matthew Palmer, senior director at IHS Markit, said.
????Moving that gas from the states where it is produced to places where it can be consumed or exported, however, will become increasingly challenging, Palmer said at IHS Markit's CERAWeek conference.
????He said IHS Markit does not expect any big new interstate gas pipes to be built after the $5.8 billion-$6.0 billion Mountain Valley pipeline from West Virginia to Virginia enters service, expected earliest by the end of the year.
????"The challenges in the court system and the expense of building these infrastructure projects have made them very difficult to proceed with," Palmer said.
????Mountain Valley is one of several U.S. oil and gas pipelines delayed in recent years by regulatory and legal fights with states and environmental groups that found problems with permits issued by the Trump administration.
????"If we don't create the right infrastructure across the United States, we're basically telling the world that they can't have access to our natural gas," Octávio Sim?es, chief executive of U.S. liquefied natural gas company Tellurian Inc said on a CERAWeek panel.
????"People need energy now and the only way to lower the global carbon footprint is with gas," Sim?es said, noting the United States lowered its carbon emissions when the power sector started burning more low-cost gas and less coal.
????However, investor focus on environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) issues is making it more difficult to finance new pipelines in North America, midstream industry executives also said at the conference.