???? 据天然气新闻2021年3月8日迪拜报道,根据全球知名数据情报分析公司Kpler公布的统计数据, 卡塔尔石油公司3月3日装载了大约71.2万桶凝析油,运往阿联酋的阿联酋国家石油公司(ENOC)。
????3月5日,卡塔尔石油公司从拉斯拉凡港(Ras Laffan)将71.2万桶凝析油运往阿联酋国家石油公司建在迪拜的凝析油精炼厂卸货。
????李峻 编译自 天然气新闻
????Qatar exports condensate to UAE, first commercial energy trade since blockade ended
????Qatar Petroleum on March 3 loaded about 712,000 barrels of condensate destined for the Emirates National Oil Co. in the UAE, the first commercial energy trade since the end of the Gulf blockade in early January, according to data analytics firm Kpler.
????Qatar Petroleum shipped the condensate from Ras Laffan for discharge on March 5 at the ENOC condensate refinery in Dubai. The vessel Abu Dhabi III that is owned by Abu Dhabi National Oil Co., the UAE's biggest energy producer, was chartered by ENOC, according to Kpler.
????ENOC and Qatar Petroleum weren't immediately available for comment.