???? 据全球能源新闻网3月8日报道,阿斯加德(Asgard)许可区的合作伙伴决定投资近14亿挪威克朗,以进一步开发该油田并实施Asgard B低压项目。
????挪威国家石油公司(Equinor)负责项目的高级副总裁Geir Tungesvik表示,我们很高兴阿斯加德的业主已经开始着手进行低压项目。该项目将增加目前Sm?rbukk井的产量,并有助于实现该油田的计划产量。此外,我们还与Aker Solutions签订了一份合同,这将有价值的活动,并在困难时期帮助维持工作。
?????sgard运营副总裁兰迪·赫达尔(Randi Hugdahl)表示,我们仍然可以从该油田生产4 -5亿桶石油当量。这意味着可以创造价值在1500亿 - 2000亿挪威克朗左右。目前该油田的开采率接近50%,但我们的目标是在该油田关闭之前,将储层中的碳氢化合物开采率提高到60%。
????Asgard设施目前接收来自7个不同油田的石油和天然气:Midgard, Sm?rbukk, Sm?rbukk South, Mikkel, Morvin, Sm?rbukk Northeast和Trestakk。
????Asgard B是一个半潜式浮式平台,带有用于气体加工和稳定油和凝析油的处理系统。
????郝芬 译自 全球能源新闻网
????The partners in the Asgard licence have decided to invest just under NOK 1.4 billion to further develop the field and implement the Asgard B low-pressure project.
????“We’re pleased that the Asgard owners have given their go-ahead for the low-pressure project. The project will increase production from the current Sm?rbukk wells and contribute to achieve planned production from the field. We’re also awarding a contract to Aker Solutions which will provide valuable activity and help maintain jobs in a difficult time,” says Geir Tungesvik, Equinor’s senior vice president for projects.
????The ?sgard field in the Norwegian Sea started producing in 1999 and the transition to low-pressure production is important to secure improved recovery from the field.
????“We can still produce 400-500 million barrels of oil equivalent from the field. This means value creation in the order of NOK 150 – 200 billion. The current recovery rate for the field is almost 50 percent, but our ambition is to extract 60 percent of the hydrocarbons in the reservoirs before the field will have to be shut down,” says Randi Hugdahl, vice president for ?sgard operations.
????The selected concept is a modification of the platform to reduce inlet pressure by replacing the reinjection compressors and rebuilding parts of the processing facility.
????The Asgard installations currently receive oil and gas from seven different fields: Midgard, Sm?rbukk, Sm?rbukk South, Mikkel, Morvin, Sm?rbukk Northeast and Trestakk.
????Asgard B is a semi-submersible floating platform with processing systems for gas treatment and stabilisation of oil and condensate.
?????sgard is a field in the central part of the Norwegian Sea. The water depth is 240-300 metres. Asgard was discovered in 1981, and the plan for development and operation (PDO) was approved in 1996. The field produces gas and considerable amounts of condensate from Jurassic sandstone at depths of as much as 4850 metres.