???? 据彭博新闻社2021年3月8日伦敦报道,全球最大的私有石油交易商维多集团表示,欧佩克+联盟3月4日出人意料地维持减产后的油价飙升,表明这个石油生产国集团仍然控制着市场。
????维多集团亚洲主管迈克· 穆勒3月7日在咨询公司海湾情报主办的在线论坛上说,“市场告诉我们,欧佩克+已经掌握了主动权。我们的股票行情在整个第二季度都将加速上涨,这就是市场这么做的原因。”
????李峻 编译自 彭博新闻社
????Trader Says USA Shale Producers Unlikely to Ramp Up Output
????Oil’s surge following OPEC+’s surprise move to maintain cuts in supply shows the producers’ group is in charge of the market, Vitol Group said.
????The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies shocked the market on Thursday when they opted to keep output curbs largely in place, belying expectations that they would pump more crude to meet rising demand. Benchmark Brent futures jumped toward $70 a barrel at the end of the week.
????“The market is telling us that OPEC+ have control,” Mike Muller, Vitol’s head of Asia, said Sunday in an online forum hosted by consultant Gulf Intelligence. “We’re going to get a stock-draw that is going to accelerate through the second quarter and that’s why the market is doing what it’s doing.”
????Oil producers and traders were left reeling last year after the coronavirus pandemic wiped out a third of energy demand, dragging down prices. Surplus crude flooded into storage, swelling stockpiles to the point where U.S. futures dropped below zero.
????OPEC+ has since implemented unprecedented production cuts, returning prices to pre-pandemic levels. Its decision to maintain output restrictions to support prompt prices -- the cost of barrels sold in the coming months -- indicates the group aims to cut into that mass of stored oil by undersupplying the market.
????Key OPEC+ member Russia previously voiced concerns that such a move would allow rival drillers in the U.S. to seize market share. Yet shale producers are unlikely to ramp up output, Muller said.
????“U.S. rig counts are still nowhere close to supporting the U.S. returning to anywhere like the 13 million barrels a day we closed 2019 at,” he said.
????Muller spoke Sunday before Saudi Arabia said it had thwarted drone and missile attacks on some of its facilities. Brent crude surged past $70 a barrel in early trading on Monday before erasing gains.
????Further increases in demand could still push prices higher, according to Muller.