???? 据3月24日The Hydrogen Economy报道,2020年,沙特阿拉伯的国家石油公司沙特阿美(Saudi Aramco)宣布将启动美国以外最大的页岩气开发项目,这一消息在天然气市场引发了巨大冲击。沙特阿美表示,计划在未来几年斥资1100亿美元开发Jafurah天然气田,该气田估计蕴藏200万亿立方英尺的天然气。这家国有公司希望在2024年从Jafurah启动天然气生产,到2036年达到22亿立方英尺/天的天然气销售,并包含每天4.25亿立方英尺的乙烷产量。
????王佳晶 摘译自 The Hydrogen Economy
????Saudi Arabia Skips LNG, Bets Big On Hydrogen
????Last year, Saudi Arabia’s national oil company Saudi Aramco sent shockwaves through the natural gas markets after it announced that it was kicking off the biggest shale gas development outside of the United States. Saudi Aramco said it plans to spend $110 billion over the next couple of years to develop the Jafurah gas field, which is estimated to hold 200 trillion cubic feet of gas. The state-owned company hopes to start natural gas production from Jafurah in 2024 and reach 2.2 Bcf/d of sales gas by 2036 with an associated 425 million cubic feet per day of ethane.
????And Aramco has now announced that instead of chilling that gas and exporting it as LNG, it will instead use it to make much cleaner fuel: Blue hydrogen.
????During the company’s earnings call on Monday, Saudi Aramco CEO told investors that Aramco plans to develop its LNG sector in favor of hydrogen. Nasser said that the kingdom’s immediate plan is to produce enough natural gas for domestic use to stop burning oil in its power plants and convert the remainder into hydrogen. Blue hydrogen is made from natural gas either by Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) or Auto Thermal Reforming (ATR) with the CO2 generated captured and then stored. As the greenhouse gasses are captured, this mitigates the environmental impacts on the planet.
????Last year, Aramco made the world’s first blue ammonia shipment--from Saudi Arabia to Japan. Japan—a country whose mountainous terrain and extreme seismic activity render it unsuitable for the development of sustainable renewable energy—is looking for dependable suppliers of hydrogen fuel with Saudi Arabia and Australia on its shortlist.
????Germany has also said it needs “enormous” volumes of green hydrogen, and it hopes Saudi Arabia will be a supplier. Last year, Germany’s cabinet committed to investing €9B (about $10.2B) in hydrogen technology in a bid to decarbonize the economy and cut CO2 emissions. The government has proposed to build an electrolysis capacity of 5,000MW by 2030 and another 5,000MW by 2040 over the following decade to produce fuel hydrogen. But apparently, the European giant has realized it cannot do this alone.
????Luckily for Germany, Saudi Arabia is now developing the biggest green hydrogen plant in the world.
????$5B Green Hydrogen
????With its sun-scorched expanses and steady Red Sea breezes, Saudi Arabia is prime real estate for renewable energy generation. The oil giant has, however, failed to put all that energy into good use--until now.
????The Saudi government is building a $5 billion green hydrogen plant that will power the planned megacity of Neom when it opens in 2025. Dubbed Helios Green Fuels, the hydrogen plant will use solar and wind energy to generate 4GW of clean energy that will be used to produce hydrogen.
????But here’s the main kicker: Helios could soon produce hydrogen that’s cheaper than oil.
????Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) estimates that Helios’ costs could reach $1.50 per kilogram by 2030, way cheaper than the average cost of green hydrogen at $5 per kilogram and even cheaper than gray hydrogen made from cracking natural gas. Saudi Arabia enjoys serious competitive advantage in the green hydrogen business thanks to its perpetual sunshine, wind, and vast tracts of unused land.