???? 据世界天然气网3月23日消息 为德克萨斯州布朗斯维尔港提议的安诺瓦液化天然气出口项目已经停止。
????该项目由其多数股东Exelon Corporation和少数股东Black&Veatch Corporation、Kiewit能源集团和Enbridge共同开发。
????吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气
????Annova LNG project scrapped
????The Annova liquefied natural gas (LNG) export project proposed for the Port of Brownsville, Texas, has been discontinued.
????The project was being jointly developed by its majority owner Exelon Corporation and minority owners Black & Veatch Corporation, Kiewit Energy Group Inc. and Enbridge.
????In a brief statement, Annova LNG noted that due to changes in global LNG market the project has been immediately discontinued.
????The project had proposed building a 6.5 mtpa liquified natural gas (LNG) export facility on the Port of Brownsville.
????It was targeting mid-scale LNG customers who are buying in 1.0 mtpa increments. It would have included six liquefaction trains, each with a nameplate capacity of 1 million tonnes per annum.
????“We are in the process of notifying our supporters, commercial partners and regulatory agencies of this decision,” the project developers said.