???? 据3月23日Rigzone消息:贝克休斯公司和荷兰能源公司已经就挪威北部海岸的北极星碳储存项目签署了一份谅解备忘录。
????贝克休斯公司负责区域、联盟和企业销售的执行副总裁Uwem Ukpong在一份声明中表示:“贝克休斯拥有广泛而成熟的CCTS技术组合,并在执行北海一些最复杂的海上项目方面拥有成熟的专业知识。”
????“我们很荣幸能与Horisont Energi在新能源领域合作,将北极星碳储存项目从概念转化为现实。”Ukpong补充道。
????Horisont Energi首席执行官Bj?rgulfHaukelids?terEidesen表示:“全球碳储存和利用的碳技术市场正在兴起”。
????贝克休斯是一家能源技术公司,该公司为全球能源和工业客户提供解决方案。Horisont Energi是一家挪威的碳技术初创公司,专注于碳封存以及碳中性氢和氨的生产。
????冯娟 摘译自 Rigzone
????Baker Hughes Signs Barents Sea Carbon Capture Deal
????Baker Hughes (NYSE:BKR) and Horisont Energi AS (EURONEXT: HRGI) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the Polaris carbon storage project off the northern coast of Norway, Baker Hughes revealed Tuesday.
????Under the deal, the two companies will explore the development and integration of technologies to minimize the carbon footprint, cost, and delivery time of carbon capture, transport, and storage (CCTS), according to Baker Hughes, which said the agreement further reinforces the company’s commitment to decarbonizing the energy industry.
????The Polaris project is expected to have a total carbon storage capacity in excess of 100 million tons, which is equivalent to twice Norway’s annual greenhouse gas emissions. Currently at the concept phase, the facility is expected to enter the construction phase in the second half of 2022.
????“Baker Hughes has a broad and established portfolio of CCTS technology and proven expertise in executing some of the North Sea’s most complex offshore projects,” Uwem Ukpong, the executive vice president of regions, alliances, and enterprise sales at Baker Hughes, said in a company statement.
????“We are proud to be partnering with Horisont Energi for new energy frontiers, taking the Polaris carbon storage project from concept to reality,” Ukpong added.
????Bj?rgulf Haukelids?ter Eidesen, the chief executive officer of Horisont Energi, said, “the global carbon technology market is emerging for carbon storage and utilization”.
????“With Baker Hughes, we will scale solutions across the carbon value chain to accelerate the decarbonization of the energy industry. Our complementary competencies allow for a strategic partnership for scalable, energy-efficient, and flexible technology solutions,” Eidesen added.
????Baker Hughes is an energy technology company that provides solutions to energy and industrial customers worldwide, according to its website. Horisont Energi is a Norwegian carbon tech start-up focusing on carbon sequestration and the production of carbon neutral hydrogen and ammonia.