???? 据Oil & Gas Journal网站3月22日消息 根据最近提交给美国联邦能源管理委员会(FERC)的文件,全球风投液化天然气(Venture Global LNG)可能于2021年底开始从其位于洛杉矶卡梅伦的1000万吨/年Calcasieu Pass液化厂出口液化天然气。Calcasieu Pass预计,公司将于2022年年中开始全面出口业务,并计划分阶段启动业务,包括2021年底的首次出口。
????全球风投表示,该工厂的建设进展顺利。Calcasieu Pass将两个液化天然气储罐的顶部抬高,并将初始液化模块安装在地基上。
????该公司有六份具有约束力的长期协议,销售总额为800万吨/年,以及超过1000万吨/年产能的可用数量的协议。与壳牌天然气有限责任公司、Edison SPA、英国石油天然气营销有限公司、Galp Energia E&P BV、雷普索尔液化天然气控股有限公司、波兰石油天然气公司和全球风投货物公司签订了协议。Calcasieu Pass预计,该公司将在施工完成前承包其剩余的200万吨产能。
????美国能源部已授权Calcasieu Pass每年出口多达6200亿立方英尺的天然气,相当于该工厂1200万/年的峰值产能。
????王磊 摘译自 Oil & Gas Journal
????Venture Global LNG set to start Calcasieu Pass operations late 2021
????Venture Global LNG may begin exports from its 10-million tonne/year (tpy) Calcasieu Pass liquefaction plant in Cameron Parish, La., in late 2021, according to recent filings with the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Calcasieu Pass anticipates that it will begin full export operations in mid-2022 and plans for a phased operational start-up that could include first exports in late 2021.
????Site construction began in February 2019, with Venture Global taking final investment decision (FID) later that year. The 2022 start of full exports is consistent with projections made at the time (OGJ Online, Aug. 21, 2019).
????Venture Global says construction of the plant is proceeding well. Calcasieu Pass raised the roof on its two LNG storage tanks and has received and set onto foundations the initial liquefaction modules. (OGJ Online, Nov. 11, 2020).
????The company has six binding, long-term agreements for sale of a total of 8 million tpy, as well as agreements for available quantities in excess of its 10-million tpy nameplate capacity. Agreements were made with Shell NA LNG LLC, Edison SPA, BP Gas Marketing Ltd., Galp Energia E&P BV, Repsol LNG Holding SA, Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA (PGNiG), and Venture Global Commodities LLC. Calcasieu Pass anticipates that it will contract its remaining 2 million tpy before completion of construction.
????The Department of Energy has authorized Calcasieu Pass to export as much as 620 bcf of natural gas per year, equivalent to the plant’s 12-million tpy peak capacity