???? 据3月25日Neftegaz.RU.报道,伊拉克政府宣布,世界上最大的石油服务公司斯伦贝谢赢得了一项价值4.8亿美元的协议,将为伊拉克巴士拉石油公司和埃克森美孚公司在伊拉克南部钻探96口油井。
????伊拉克计划增加埃克森美孚运营的West Qurna-1号油田的产能。该油田是世界上最大的油田之一,预计可采储量超过200亿桶。
????2018年,伊拉克与斯伦贝谢达成协议,将在Majnoon油田钻探40口油井。该公司还与伊拉克West Qurna油田的30口井签订了为期42个月的综合钻井服务合同。
????王佳晶 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU.
????Schlumberger won a $480 million deal to drill 96 oil wells in Iraq
????Iraq'i government announced that the world's largest oil services company Schlumberger won a $480 million deal to drill 96 oil wells in southern Iraq for the country's Basra Oil Co. and Exxon Mobil.
????Iraq plans to increase the production capacity of West Qurna-1 oilfield, which is operated by ExxonMobil.
????West Qurna-1 is one of the world’s largest oil fields in the world with expected recoverable reserves of over 20 billion bbl.
????In 2019 production at the oilfield reached 465,000 barrels per day, following the completion of new crude processing facilities and oil storage tanks.
????Its development has been a priority given that Iraq is OPEC’s 2nd-largest producer and relies on oil exports for 95%, nearly all its state budget.
????In 2018 Iraq has struck an agreement with Schumberger to drill 40 wells at the Majnoon oil field.
????The company also worked on a 42-month integrated drilling services contract for 30 wells in the West Qurna oil field in Iraq.
????Iraq has struggled for most of 2020 to comply with its OPEC+ quota amid the low oil price environment, the pandemic and a financial crisis gripping the country.
????Following low oil prices dragged down by the coronavirus pandemic and international disputes, Iraq is showing signs of recovery, with January exports reaching 2.868 million barrels per day at $53 per barrel, according to Oil Ministry statistics.