???? 据3月26日offshore energy消息:Technip Energies和俄罗斯EPC公司NIPIGAS联手在俄罗斯进行能源转型,共同打造NOVA ENERGIES。
????NOVA energy将在俄罗斯市场长期保持独立地位。
????该合资公司将包括Technip Energies和NIPIGAS人员,他们将带来各自的专业知识和支持。
????Technip Energies首席执行官Arnaud Pieton表示:“通过这次合作,Technip Energies将利用其在氢气,可持续化学,二氧化碳管理和无碳解决方案方面的工程专业知识和技术,加强其能源转型定位,以创造更美好的明天。 ”
????NIPIGAS首席执行官Dmitry Evstafiev补充说:“全球脱碳的总体趋势已成为俄罗斯现有产业和新兴产业现代化的关键因素之一?!?/p>
????冯娟 摘译自 offshore energy
????Technip, NIPIGAS to drive Russia’s energy transition
????Technip Energies and NIPIGAS, a Russian EPC company have joined forces to create NOVA ENERGIES with the energy transition journey in Russia.
????The two companies signed heads of terms agreement defining the path forward.
????This new joint venture will provide a wide range of expertise, including engineering and design, project documentation and CAPEX estimates.
????It will also provide engineering, procurement, construction, installation, and commissioning (EPC/EPCm) for CO2 removal, carbon capture, clean H2 production, Bio Energies, Bio Refineries, Bio Chemistry, Ammonia, as well as other energy transition-related themes.
????NOVA ENERGIES is set to be an independent player in the Russian market for the long-term period.
????The JV will include Technip Energies and NIPIGAS personnel, who will bring their respective areas of expertise and support.
????Arnaud Pieton, CEO of Technip Energies stated, “through this joint-venture, Technip Energies will reinforce its energy transition positioning, leveraging its engineering expertise and technologies in hydrogen, sustainable chemistry, CO2 management and carbon-free solutions to build a better tomorrow.”
????Dmitry Evstafiev, CEO, NIPIGAS added, “The general global trend for decarbonization has become one of the key factors in the modernization of existing and creation of new industries in Russia.”