???? 据天然气加工2021年3月29日伦敦报道,根据货物跟踪公司Kpler公布的统计数据,共有16艘装载液化天然气(LNG)的船只等待进入苏伊士运河,比上周五(3月26日)等待进入苏伊士运河的LNG运输船数目猛增了一倍,被困的“长赐号”巨型集装箱运输船在苏伊士运河搁浅近一周后在3月29日获释。
????李峻 编译自 天然气新闻
????As Suez Canal reopens, number of LNG vessels waiting to enter jumps
????A total of 16 vessels carrying LNG were prepared to enter the Suez Canal, double the number from Friday, according to cargo tracking firm Kpler, as stranded container ship Ever Given was freed on Monday after a nearly week-long stranding.
????Eleven vessels were waiting at the northern entrance and five at the southern entrance. In all, 18 LNG tankers will be late to their destinations, mostly in Asia, due to the congestion, Kpler said.
????Aside from LNG, there were about 450 cargo ships with different commodities waiting to pass.
????The giant container ship blocking the canal for almost a week was fully floated on Monday and traffic in the waterway would resume, the canal authority said in a statement.
????The 400-metre (430-yard) long Ever Given became jammed diagonally across a southern section of the canal early last Tuesday, halting traffic on the shortest shipping route between Europe and Asia.