???? 据天然气加工 2021年3月26日休斯敦报道,美国天然气生产商越来越依赖向欧洲和亚洲出口液化天然气(LNG),以吸收其日益增长的天然气产量,并防止国内天然气价格因供应过剩而暴跌。
????李峻 编译自 天然气加工
????U.S. gas industry increasingly relies on LNG exports
????U.S. gas producers have become increasingly reliant on LNG exports to Europe and Asia to absorb their growing output and prevent domestic prices from plunging as a result of oversupply.
????Between 2015 and 2020, U.S. gas production grew roughly twice as fast (4.3% per year on average) as consumption (2.3% per year), according to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
????Some of the excess has been used to replace previous imports, but the rest has been exported by pipeline or as LNG, to markets in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
????LNG exports surged to almost 67 billion cubic metres in 2020, up from less than 1 billion cubic metres in 2015, and were rapidly catching up with pipeline exports to Canada and Mexico.
????Outbound LNG shipments accounted for more than 7% of all domestic gas production last year, and by the end of the year the proportion had reached 10% for the first time.
????The fastest growth for U.S. LNG has been to markets in Europe and Asia, with smaller increases to the Americas and the Middle East.
????Between 2016 and 2020, annual exports to Asia increased by 22 billion cubic metres, while shipments to Europe rose by 20 billion cubic metres.
????In international markets, U.S. gas competes with LNG from Qatar, Australia and Russia; pipeline gas from Russia and Central Asia to Europe and East Asia; and coal and other fuels used for power generation and heating.
????As a result, securing access to export markets has become a top priority for the gas industry as well as U.S. diplomats.
????LNG exports contribute to energy security in allied countries while providing employment in the United States.