???? 据OE网站3月29日消息:挪威石油和天然气公司Equinor获得了在挪威近海巴伦支海钻探一口评估井的钻探许可。
????授予该许可的挪威石油管理局(NPD)表示,Equinor将使用Odfjell drilling旗下的Deepsea Nordkapp半潜式钻井平台来钻探这口正式名称为7322/6-1 S的油井。
????Aker BP ASA生产许可证442号的25/2-2 S评价井钻探结束后,该钻机将开始为Equinor进行钻探。
????7322/6-1 S井的钻井计划涉及到722生产许可证的一口评价井。Equinor是拥有45%股权的运营商。其他被许可方是AkerBP(20%)、伦丁能源挪威公司(20%)和斯瓦尔能源公司(15%)。
????该许可证包括7322/6和7323/4区块的部分区域。该井将在Hammerfest以北350公里,73224-7-2 (Hansen)和73224-8-1 (Wisting)发现井以西50公里处钻探。
????冯娟 摘译自 OE
????Equinor Gets Green Light to Drill Barents Sea Well
????Norwegian oil and gas company Equinor has won a drilling permit to drill an appraisal well in the Barents Sea, offshore Norway.
????The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD), which granted the permit, said Equinor would drill the well, formally known as well 7322/6-1 S, using the Deepsea Nordkapp semi-submersible drilling rig, owned by Odfjell Drilling.
????The rig will move to drill for Equinor after concluding the drilling of appraisal well 25/2-2 S for Aker BP ASA in production licence 442.
????The drilling program for well 7322/6-1 S relates to drilling an appraisal well in production licence 722. Equinor is the operator with an ownership interest of 45 percent. The other licensees are AkerBP (20 percent), Lundin Energy Norway (20 percent), and Sval Energi (15 percent).
????The area in this licence consists of parts of the block(s) 7322/6 and 7323/4. The well will be drilled about 350 kilometers north of Hammerfest and 50 kilometers west of the 7324/7-2 (Hansen) and 7324/8-1 (Wisting) discovery wells.