???? 据全球能源新闻网4月1日报道,挪威轮渡运营商Norled选定林德为全球第一艘运营中的氢动力轮渡提供液氢和相关基础设施,这艘轮渡将同时运输汽车和乘客。
????林德将为挪威的MF Hydra ferry提供全方位服务解决方案。液态氢将由林德在德国Leuna化学工厂的24MW电解槽提供,该电解槽将使用PEM(质子交换膜)技术生产绿色氢。林德还将建造和安装陆上和船上的氢储存、分配和安全设备。氢供应计划于2022年开始,届时这艘以燃料电池为动力的轮渡每年的碳排放量将减少高达95%。
????林德欧洲北部主管 Armando Botello表示,氢是一种强大的能源载体,在移动时具有减少碳排放的潜力。我们很自豪能够与Norled合作,共同引领海洋部门向气候友好型燃料过渡。
????Norled的首席执行官Heidi Wolden表示,我们相信氢将在未来的零排放船舶中发挥重要作用。
????Norled AS是挪威最大的渡轮和快艇运营商之一。该公司总部设在斯塔万格,拥有80艘船只,经营从奥斯陆峡湾到特罗姆斯县的渡轮和快艇服务。
????郝芬 译自 全球能源新闻网
????Linde has been selected by Norwegian ferry operator Norled to supply liquid hydrogen and related infrastructure to the world’s first operational hydrogen-powered ferry, which will transport both cars and passengers.
????Linde will provide a full-service solution to the MF Hydra ferry in Norway. Liquid hydrogen will be supplied from Linde’s new 24MW electrolyzer at the Leuna Chemical Complex in Germany, which will use PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) technology to produce green hydrogen. Linde will also build and install onshore and onboard hydrogen storage, distribution and safety equipment. Supply of hydrogen is scheduled to commence in 2022, at which point the fuel cell-powered ferry will reduce its annual carbon emissions by up to 95%.
????“Hydrogen is a powerful energy carrier with proven potential for reducing carbon emissions when used in mobility,” said Armando Botello, President Europe North, Linde. “We are proud to be working with Norled and, together, take the lead in developing the marine sector’s transition to climate-friendly fuels.”
????“We believe that hydrogen will play a significant role in the future of zero-emission ships,” said Heidi Wolden, CEO of Norled.
????Linde is a global leader in the production, processing, storage and distribution of hydrogen. It has the largest liquid hydrogen capacity and distribution system in the world. The company also operates the world’s first high-purity hydrogen storage cavern, coupled with an unrivaled pipeline network of approximately 1,000 kilometers to reliably supply its customers. Linde is at the forefront in the transition to clean hydrogen and has installed close to 200 hydrogen fueling stations and 80 hydrogen electrolysis plants worldwide. The company offers the latest electrolysis technology through its joint venture ITM Linde Electrolysis GmbH.
????Linde plc is a multinational chemical company incorporated and registered in Ireland and with operating headquarters in Guildford, Surrey.
????Norled AS is one of Norway’s largest ferry and express boat operators. The company with head office in Stavanger, has 80 vessels and operates ferry and express boat services from the Oslofjord to Troms county.