???? 据道琼斯4月7日消息,周三美国天然气期货价格扭转了早些时候的涨势,收盘跌2.2%,至2.456美元/百万英热,创下1月22日以来的最低收盘价格。最近几天,由于需求减弱和供应增加,天然气投资者已经大幅看跌。温和的春季天气比往年开始得早,而且大部分地区似乎将持续整个4月份,使得用于家庭和企业降温或取暖的天然气需求微不足道。与此同时,分析人士表示,石油产量也在不断上升,部分原因是油价上涨导致更多的原油开采和生产,其中通常包括伴生天然气的生产。
????张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯
????Natural Gas Falls to 10-Week Low as Output Rises
????Natural gas prices reverse earlier gains to end the session 2.2% lower at $2.456/mmBtu, the lowest closing price since Jan. 22. Natural gas investors have turned overwhelmingly bearish in recent days due to a combination of weakening demand and rising supply. The mild weather of spring began earlier than normal, and across most regions appears set to continue throughout April, leaving only negligible demand for gas to either cool or warm homes and businesses. At the same time, analysts say production is churning higher, in part because rising oil prices are leading to more drilling and production of crude oil, which often includes associated gas production.