???? 据路透社4月21日消息,俄罗斯副总理亚历山大·诺瓦克周三表示,下周的欧佩克+产油国会议可能会在决定放松生产限制之后确认或调整产量计划。
????裘寅 编译自 路透社
????Russia’s Novak says OPEC+ may confirm or tweak its plans
????Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said on Wednesday that a OPEC+ meeting of oil producers next week may confirm or tweak output plans following its decision to ease production curbs.
????OPEC+ agreed on April 1 to ease oil output cuts gradually from May.
????OPEC+ cut supply by a record 9.7 million bpd last year to support the market as demand collapsed. Most of those curbs remain in place even after the April 1 decision. OPEC+ holds its next policy meeting on April 28.
????"We met a month ago, we discussed our action plan for the (next) three months. So, if nothing extraordinary happens, our task will be to confirm these plans and to tweak the new ones," Novak told reporters.
????He also said that the Russian government is set to discuss possible curbs on exports of gasolineto protect the domestic market.
????Russian refineries annually produce 40 million tonnes of gasoline, of which around 10% is exported.