???? 据油价网2021年4月20日报道,石油专家和全球著名商业咨询服务多元化提供商IHS Markit副董事长丹尼尔·耶金4月20日在接受CNBC记者采访时表示,全球石油需求复苏以及欧佩克+有大量备用产能没有回到市场意味着,从现在起的一年里油价预计将在每桶60和75美元之间交易是合乎情理的。
????耶金在CNBC的节目“Street Signs Asia”中表示,“如果世界其他地区经济真的复苏,我认为油价将在每桶60-75美元区间交易是合理的。”
????一年前的今天,美国油价下跌。去年4月20日,WTI原油价格跌至零以下,收于每桶- 37美元,这是WTI原油期货合约自1983年开始交易以来首次跌至负值。去年4月21日,国际基准布伦特原油价格跌至每桶10美元以下,至9.12美元,是几十年来的最低日价格。
????摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)上周表示,今年夏季油价可能会停留在65- 70美元区间,由于美国钻井活动增加和伊朗可能恢复出口,该公司日前暂时调降了油价70美元的预估。
????李峻 编译自 油价网
????Yergin: Oil Prices Could Go As High As $75 In 2022
????The global oil demand recovery and a lot of spare capacity that OPEC+ has yet to bring back to the market suggest it is reasonable to expect that oil prices will trade between $60 and $75 a barrel one year from now, oil expert and IHS Markit Vice Chairman, Daniel Yergin, told CNBC on Tuesday.
????“If we really do have the rest of the world recover, I think it’s reasonable to think that oil would be in that $60 to $75 range,” Yergin told the CNBC program “Street Signs Asia.”
????Demand is set to rebound with the United States and China recovering strongly, but the oil production capacity that OPEC+ still keeps offline would probably offset any overshoots in prices, according to the oil expert.
????“There’ll be offsetting pressures, and more supply would come in and we’d start to see the U.S. coming back into production again,” Yergin said, commenting on where prices will be one year from now.
????The comments came one year to the day after U.S. oil prices turned negative. On April 20, 2020, the price of WTI Crude crashed below zero to close at -$37 a barrel—the first time the WTI Crude futures contract had fallen below zero since trading began in 1983. On April 21, 2020, the international benchmark, Brent Crude, crashed to below $10 a barrel—at $9.12 per barrel, its lowest daily price in decades.
????Going forward, the economic recovery in the U.S. and China point to oil demand rebounding, although the uncertainty over Europe still hangs on the global demand recovery, Yergin told CNBC.
????Oil could go to as high as $80 this summer, as Goldman Sachs forecasts, but then political pressure against $80 oil could emerge, Yergin noted.
????For this summer, Goldman Sachs anticipates strong demand that would require OPEC+ putting another 2 million barrels per day (bpd) on the market in the third quarter, after the around 2 million bpd that the alliance and Saudi Arabia decided to return between May and July.
????Oil prices will likely be stuck in the $65-$70 range this summer, Morgan Stanley said last week, tempering its previous forecast for $70 oil with temporary overshoots because of rising U.S. drilling activity and the potential return of Iranian exports.