Ruby项目位于Greater Angostura油田3(a)区块的浅水区,距离特立尼达东北海岸近45公里。该项目通过5口生产井和1口注气井从Ruby和Delaware储层开采石油和天然气,并将其与已建成的处理设施连接起来。
根据2020年初宣布的一份合同,麦克德莫特国际公司(McDermott International)负责为该项目提供水下脐带管、立管和出油管线(SURF),完成运输以及安装。
必和必拓石油总裁杰拉尔丁?斯莱特利(Geraldine Slattery)表示:“Ruby项目的启动代表着必和必拓在特立尼达和多巴哥石油和天然气生产设施的持续发展,增强了资源的质量及其投资竞争力。
他补充道:“2018年,BHP和Block 3(a)合作伙伴获得了Ocean Bottom Node (OBN)地震勘测数据,用于优化Ruby Project开发井的位置。这对我们的石油业务以及我们在特立尼达和多巴哥的未来来说是一个重要的里程碑。”
王佳晶 摘译自 NS Energy
BHP draws first oil from $500m Ruby Project, offshore Trinidad
BHP and its partner The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago (NGC) have achieved production of first oil from the $500m Ruby Project, located offshore Trinidad and Tobago.
The milestone comes ahead of schedule, less than two years after BHP had sanctioned the offshore oil and gas project in August 2019. The company’s investment share in the oil and gas project is $283m.
The Ruby Project is located in the shallow water in Block 3(a) within the Greater Angostura Field. The offshore development is nearly 45km off the north-eastern coast of Trinidad.
It involves oil and gas production from the Ruby and Delaware reservoirs through five production wells and a gas injector well, which are tied back into already established operated processing facilities.
BHP said that drilling and completion works at the Ruby field are in progress. Subsequent wells are slated to be brought into production in Q2 and Q3 2021.
The offshore oil and gas project is anticipated to be completed in the third quarter of this year.
Under a contract announced in early 2020, McDermott International has been responsible for providing subsea umbilicals, risers, and flowlines (SURF), transportation, and installation for the project.
Following its completion, the Ruby Project is estimated to produce up to 16,000 gross barrels of oil per day and 80 million gross standard cubic feet of natural gas per day.
The offshore field has 13.2 million barrels of oil and 274 billion cubic feet of natural gas in estimated recoverable 2C Resources.
BHP petroleum president Geraldine Slattery said: “The start-up of Ruby represents continued development of BHP’s oil and gas production facilities in Trinidad and Tobago, re-enforces the quality of the resource and its investment competitiveness.
“An Ocean Bottom Node (OBN) seismic survey acquired by BHP and the Block 3(a) partners in 2018, was utilised to illuminate and optimally position the Ruby Project development wells. This marks a significant milestone for our Petroleum business and our future in Trinidad and Tobago.”
BHP is the operator of the Ruby development with a stake of 68.46%, while NGC holds the remaining stake of 31.54%.