据ICIS-MRC网站5月11日莫斯科报道,根据路透社报道,受油价上涨影响,国有石油生产商沙特阿美(Saudi Aramco)第一季度净利润增长30%,超过分析师预期。
??松梨冢‥xxon Mobil)等全球能源公司的收益在原油价格上涨的支撑下攀升,今年原油价格上涨了约三分之一,由于燃料需求从这场大流行中复苏,全球原油盈余减少。
这家全球最大石油出口商的首席执行官阿明·纳赛尔(Amin Nasser)在一份声明中表示,鉴于2021年能源需求的积极迹象,我们有更多理由乐观地认为,好日子即将到来。尽管仍存在一些不利因素,但随着经济开始复苏,我们完全有能力满足世界日益增长的能源需求。
郝芬 译自 ICIS-MRC
Saudi Aramco beats quarterly profit forecast with 30% rise in Q1 2021 earnings
State-run oil producer Saudi Aramco beat analysts' forecasts with a 30% rise in first-quarter net profit, helped by strong oil prices, reported Reuters.
Earnings by global energy companies such as Exxon Mobil have climbed on the back of rising crude prices, which are up by about a third this year, as fuel demand recovers from the pandemic and as a global surplus of crude shrinks.
"Given the positive signs for energy demand in 2021, there are more reasons to be optimistic that better days are coming," Amin Nasser, chief executive of the world's top oil exporter, said in a statement.
"And while some headwinds still remain, we are well-positioned to meet the world's growing energy needs as economies start to recover," he said.
Net income rose to USD21.7 billion for the quarter to March 31 from USD16.7 billion a year earlier. Aramco was expected to post net profit of USD19.48 billion, according to an average of estimates by five analysts.
Aramco, which listed in 2019 with the sale of a 1.7% stake mainly to the Saudi public and regional institutions, said earnings were boosted by stronger crude prices and higher refining and chemicals margins, helping offset lower production.
Aramco, which reduced its output as part of that pact and as a result of Saudi Arabia's additional voluntary production cuts, said global demand for petroleum products was recovering from its lows in 2020 but remained below pre-pandemic levels.