伊莱亚斯在写给苏里南国家石油公司的告别信中说,尽管发生了新冠肺炎疫情大流行,但2020年的重大新闻是美国阿帕奇公司和法国道达尔公司在苏里南获得了3个重要石油发现——1月份的Maka Central-1井、4月份的Sapakara West-1井和7月份的Kwaskwasi-1井。
他提醒道,在新的一年里,道达尔公司和阿帕奇公司很快在1月份又在第58号区块内的Keskesi East-1井获得了新的发现。
分析师表示,道达尔公司和阿帕奇公司预计将在今年晚些时候做出旨在开发位于第58号区块内油田的最终投资决定(FID)。事实上,道达尔公司最近证实,该公司计划最早在2025年开始开发第58号区块的油田,大约在Maka Central-1井发现5年后。如果成功,这将标志着圭亚那-苏里南盆地自2019年12月美国石油巨头??松梨诠驹诠缪悄堑睦錾吞锸状畏⑾质鸵岳矗诙羁炜⒌挠吞?,距离丽莎油田2015年首次发现不到5年。
李峻 编译自 今日石油
Suriname’s first 3 offshore discoveries expected to produce around 1.4 billion barrels of oil – Rudolf Elias
The Outgoing Managing Director of Suriname’s state oil company, Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V., says the country’s first 3 offshore discoveries at Block 58 are expected to produce around 1.4 billion barrels of oil equivalent resources over time.
Rudolf Elias, in a letter bidding farewell to the company, said despite the pandemic, the big news of 2020 was the 3 major oil finds made by Apache and Total – Maka Central-1 in January, Sapakara West-1 in April, and Kwaskwasi-1 in July.
“These discoveries alone are expected to produce about 1.4 billion barrels of oil equivalent resources over time, and they confirm Suriname as a major upcoming hydrocarbon province,” Elias said. “Further confirmation came in December, with IOC partners Petronas and ExxonMobil announcing another hydrocarbon discovery, with the successful drilling of the Sloanea-1 exploration well in Block 52.”
He reminded that the new year quickly brought another new discovery in January by Total and Apache in Block 58 at the Keskesi East-1 well.
Analysts say Total and Apache are expected to make their Final Investment Decision (FID) to develop oil fields at Block 58 later this year. In fact, Total recently confirmed that plans are underway to begin developing oil fields at Block 58 as early as 2025, around five years after the Maka Central-1 discovery. If successful, this would mark the second fastest development ramp up in the Guyana-Suriname basin since U.S. oil major ExxonMobil hit first oil at the Liza field in Guyana in December 2019, just under five years from its first discovery in 2015.
US multinational investment bank and financial services company Morgan Stanley says its modelling of Block 58 shows that it contains a potential 6.5 billion barrels of oil equivalent resources.