???? 据今日油价网站5月26日消息 俄罗斯副总理诺瓦克 23日表示,俄罗斯估计目前全球石油市场的赤字约为100万桶/日。
????Mikhail Ulyanov还说:“与会者表示愿意尽最大努力解决剩余未决问题,并尽快圆满完成谈判。”
????王磊 摘译自 今日油价
????Russia: Current Oil Market Deficit Is 1 Million Bpd
????Russia estimates that the global oil market is currently in a deficit of around 1 million barrels per day (bpd), Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said on Wednesday.
????“There is a deficit on the market of around 1 million bpd and we need to consider how we can meet the growth in demand,” Novak told reporters in Russia, as carried by news agency TASS.
????Last week, Novak said that the oil market was fairly balanced, with demand slightly exceeding supply.
????“There is definitely a deficit on the market, that’s why oil stocks from last year are drawing down toward the five-year average,” the deputy prime minister told reporters last week.
????Russia, as OPEC’s key partner in the OPEC+ production deal, is ramping up its oil production between May and July, as per the group’s agreement to gradually return over 1 million bpd to the market between May and July. Saudi Arabia will also reverse its extra unilateral cut of 1 million bpd in that period.
????The monthly meeting of the ministers of the OPEC+ alliance to take stock of the market situation and compliance rates is scheduled to take place next week, on June 1.
????“The participants expressed readiness to do their best to resolve the remaining outstanding issues and to complete negotiations successfully as soon as possible,” Ulyanov added.