???? 据ICIS-MRC网站5月27日莫斯科报道,据路透社报道,由于多个地区市场新一波冠状病毒感染影响航空需求,5月19日(周三)亚洲航空燃料现金价差在连续两周保持在正区间后,再次转为折价。
????郝芬 译自 ICIS-MRC
????Asia Distillates-Jet fuel cash differentials flip back to discounts on the back of fresh waves of coronavirus infections
????Asia's cash differentials for jet fuel flipped back into discounts on Wednesday, 19 May, after staying in positive territory for two weeks, as fresh waves of coronavirus infections in several regional markets weighed on aviation demand, reported Reuters.
????Cash differentials for jet fuel JET-SIN-DIF plunged to a discount of 3 cents per barrel to Singapore quotes, compared with a premium of 5 cents a barrel on Tuesday.
????A resurgence in coronavirus cases and a slow rate of vaccinations are forcing people to avoid travel and governments to keep border restrictions intact.
????The Asian jet fuel market, however, is expected to benefit from arbitrage shipments to the West, where aviation demand is recovering faster, they added.
????Refining margins for jet fuel in Singapore climbed 20 cents to USD6.29 per barrel over Dubai crude during Asian trading hours on Wednesday as feedstock crude prices fell.