???? 据石油新闻2021年6月4日报道,炼油利润率终于从航空煤油需求的复苏中得到了支撑,在长时间的封锁后,越来越多的旅客在接种了新冠肺炎疫苗后纷纷飞上了蓝天。
????美国航空公司首席执行官德里克· 科尔在5月25日举行的Wolfe全球运输和工业会议上说:“随着全国各地疫苗接种的增加,航空旅游需求正在回升。”
????李峻 编译自 石油新闻
????Jet fuel demand recovery supports refining margins
????Refining margins are finally seeing support from jet fuel demand growth, with travelers taking to the sky amid increasing coronavirus vaccinations after prolonged lockdowns.
????Add in the start of summer holidays for much of the world and jet demand is picking up. The Global Jet index reached $1.75272/gal for the week ended May 28, the highest since mid-January 2020, led primarily by increased demand in the Western Hemisphere.
????US refiners on recent first quarter earnings calls noted while both gasoline and diesel demand have rebounded to near or better than pre-pandemic levels, jet fuel demand had remained the laggard at about 76% of normal levels in early May.
????However, US jet fuel demand, which bottomed out at 576,000 b/d in May 2020, averaged 1.158 million b/d in March 2021 and increased to 1.4 million b/d for the week ended May 21, according to US Energy Information Administration data.
????And as more planes return to the skies, refiners have pulled back on blending jet into their ULSD pools and returned to more normal output. Jet fuel comprised about 10% of refinery net production in March 2021, compared with the 5% in May of 2020.
????"Demand for travel is coming back as vaccinations have increased across the country," American Airlines CEO Derek Kerr said May 25 at the Wolfe Global Transportation and Industrials Conference.
????"Leisure bookings remain strong, both in the US and destinations to Mexico, Caribbean, and Latin America," he said, adding business and long-haul international travel are "beginning to show encouraging signs."
????North American and Latin American Jet Indices both surpassed the Global index, averaging $1.78/gal and $1.80/gal, respectively, for the week ended May 28.
????"Many of our corporate customers ... have told us they plan to get back to travel in the weeks and months ahead," Kerr said. "Travel restrictions are being revised and lifted in certain parts of Europe as well, which we expect will continue ...as vaccinations are rolled out."