???? 据世界天然气网站6月8日消息 澳大利亚能源巨头伍德赛德制定了新的中期和长期目标,即到2050年实现冥王星液化天然气设施的温室气体净零排放。
????这些目标是基于拟议的冥王星液化天然气扩建项目,并考虑了与两列设施相关的排放量。根据伍德赛德的冥王星温室气体减排计划(GGAP),它们已经得到了西澳大利亚州环境部长Amber-Jade Sanderson的批准。
????伍德赛德目前正在研究从其提议的伍德赛德电力项目中向冥王星液化天然气提供大约50兆瓦的太阳能,这将直接减少冥王星液化天然气的Scope 1温室气体排放。
????王磊 摘译自 世界天然气
????Woodside sets new climate targets at Pluto LNG
????Australian energy major Woodside has set new interim and long-term targets to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at the Pluto LNG facility.
????The targets include lowering 30 per cent of emissions by 2030 and reducing 100 per cent of emissions by 2050.
????The targets are based on the proposed expansion of Pluto LNG and account for emissions associated with a two-train facility. They have been approved by the Western Australian minister for environment Amber-Jade Sanderson under Woodside’s Pluto Greenhouse Gas Abatement Program (GGAP).
????Woodside plans to adopt technologies that are considered to be best practices for LNG in Australia, to implement operational improvements and offset all reservoir carbon dioxide.
????Woodside is currently looking into the supply of approximately 50 megawatts of solar energy to Pluto LNG from its proposed Woodside Power Project, which would result in a direct reduction in Scope 1 ghg emissions from Pluto LNG.