???? 据ICIS-MRC网站6月8日莫斯科报道,据路透社援引壳牌和Cosan的巴西合资企业巴西能源公司Raizen周一宣布的消息报道,该公司正在收购壳牌在巴西的润滑油业务。
????此次收购包括位于里约热内卢Ilha do Governador的润滑油调和厂和位于Duque de Caxias的终端。其还包括分销链和相关协议。
????郝芬 译自 ICIS-MRC
????Raizen to acquire Shell lubricant business in Brazil
????Brazilian energy company Raizen, a joint venture between Royal Dutch Shell Plc and local group Cosan SA is acquiring Shell’s lubricants business in Brazil, reported Reuters with reference to the Brazilian joint venture between Shell and Cosan's announcement on Monday.
????The acquisition includes the lubricant blending plant in Ilha do Governador and the terminal in Duque de Caxias, both in Rio de Janeiro. It also includes the distribution chain and related agreements.
????Transaction figures and closing date were not disclosed. The sale is subject to approval by the Brazilian Antitrust Authority (CADE).