在6月29日发布的一份新闻稿中,美国钢铁公司通过与挪国油美国控股公司签署一份非排他性谅解备忘录,宣布建立了合作伙伴关系,以研究在三州地区的碳捕集与封存 (CCS)和氢开发的潜力。
美国钢铁公司高级副总裁兼首席战略和可持续发展官Richard Fruehauf在公司公告中评论道:“要想在这三州地区成功开发氢气和CCS技术,就需要跨越政治和潜在障碍进行投资、合作和探索。随着我们朝着2050年实现净零碳排放的宏伟目标不断前进,探索在这个地区建立氢中心的潜力的机会——以孟河谷为基地——是具有乐观态势的?!?/p>
裘寅 编译自 哈特能源
U.S. Steel, Equinor to Collaborate on Potential Tri-state Hydrogen Hub
Through a non-exclusive partnership with Equinor, U.S. Steel plans to study the potential for carbon capture and storage and hydrogen development in the tri-state region of Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
U.S. Steel Corp. is partnering with Norwegian energy major Equinor ASA to exploration the feasibility of a hydrogen hub in Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
In a June 29 release, U.S. Steel announced the partnership through an execution of a non-exclusive memorandum of understanding with Equinor US Holdings Inc. to study the potential for carbon capture and storage (CCS) and hydrogen development in the tri-state region.
Founded in 1901, U.S. Steel is a leading steel producer headquartered in Pittsburgh with additional operations across the U.S. and Central Europe. The company, which has an annual raw steelmaking capability of 26.2 million net tons, expects the Equinor partnership to help it achieve its decarbonization goals.
“The successful development of hydrogen and CCS technology in the tri-state region will require investment, cooperation, and exploration across political and perceived barriers,” commented Richard Fruehauf, senior vice president and chief strategy and sustainability officer for U.S. Steel, in the company release. “As we build momentum toward our ambitious goal targeting net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, the opportunity to explore the potential for a hydrogen hub in this region—anchored in the Mon Valley—is cause for optimism.”
The initial focus of the partnership is to assess the technological and commercial possibilities for hydrogen and CCS with plans to explore and demonstrate the potential opportunities for natural gas when coupled with CCS to achieve decarbonization goals.
Further, the release noted the scope of work will include assessments of regional hydrogen and CCS potential, appropriate customer and supplier screenings, blue hydrogen advocacy, CCS and examining renewable energy synergies.