???? 据阿塞拜疆新闻7月9日消息称,国际能源署表示,到 2021 年,阿塞拜疆通过跨亚得里亚海管道 (TAP) 向欧洲出口的天然气将超过 50 亿立方米。
????该机构在其 2021 年第三季度天然气市场报告中称,今年上半年,阿塞拜疆通过 TAP 向欧洲出口的天然气达到 30 亿立方米。
????该机构表示,阿塞拜疆是欧亚大陆出口驱动的天然气产量增长的第二个贡献者,其产能增加以填充通往欧洲的 TANAP 和 TAP 管道。
????此外,阿塞拜疆今年前五个月的天然气产量同比增长了约 8%。
????TAP 是南部天然气走廊的一部分,是一个输送天然气的管道项目,从希腊经阿尔巴尼亚和亚得里亚海到意大利,再到西欧。
????阿塞拜疆能源部长 Parviz Shahbazov 表示,跨亚得里亚海管道作为连接阿塞拜疆与欧洲的另一条能源纽带,将加强阿塞拜疆在能源安全、合作和可持续发展方面的战略作用。
????管道全长878公里,其中希腊550公里,阿尔巴尼亚215公里,近海105公里,意大利8公里。近海段铺设的最大深度为 810 米。
????该管道的初始容量约为每年 100 亿立方米天然气,并可以将容量扩大至 200 亿立方米。
????TAP 的股东是 BP(20%)、SOCAR(20%)、Snam(20%)、Fluxys(19%)、Enagás(16%)和 Axpo(5%)。
????曹海斌 摘译自 阿塞拜疆新闻
????IEA: Azerbaijan to boost gas exports via TAP
????Azerbaijani gas exports to Europe via the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) are set to exceed 5 billion cubic meters in 2021, the International Energy Agency has said.
????Gas exports from Azerbaijan to Europe via TAP amounted to 3 billion cubic meters in the first half of the year, the agency said in its report on the gas market for the third quarter of 2021.
????The Agency stated that Azerbaijan is the second contributor to export-driven production growth of natural gas in Eurasia, with the ramping up of capacity to fill the TANAP and TAP pipelines to Europe.
????Additionally, it reminded that Azerbaijan increased natural gas production by about 8 percent year-on-year in the first five months of the year.
????TAP is a part of the Southern Gas Corridor and is a pipeline project to transport natural gas, starting from Greece via Albania and the Adriatic Sea to Italy and further to Western Europe.
????The pipeline is supplied by natural gas from the second stage of Azerbaijan’s Shah Deniz gas field development in the Azerbaijani section of the Caspian Sea through the South Caucasus Pipeline and TANAP.
????Azerbaijan's Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov has said that the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline, as another energy link connecting Azerbaijan with Europe, will strengthen Azerbaijan's strategic role in energy security, cooperation and sustainable development.
????The total length of the pipeline is 878 km, of which 550 km is in Greece, 215 km in Albania, 105 km offshore, and 8 km in Italy. The offshore leg is laid at a maximum depth of 810 meters.
????The initial capacity of the pipeline is about 10 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year, with the option to expand the capacity up to 20 billion cubic meters.
????TAP’s shareholders are BP (20 percent), SOCAR (20 percent), Snam (20 percent), Fluxys (19 percent), Enagás (16 percent) and Axpo (5 percent).?