据今日油价7月19日报道,高盛(Goldman Sachs)在一份报告中称,OPEC+在周日达成的协议,对今年夏季高盛预测布伦特原油将升至80美元/桶略显乐观,此前该组织同意从8月开始每月增加40万桶/天日的产量。
高盛(Goldman Sachs)在路透发布的一份声明中表示:“该协议有两个不同的重点:一是适度增产,这将使市场在未来几个月保持赤字;二是在未来几年,鉴于投资不足的情况下,将需要提高产能。”
该行表示,OPEC+达成的协议比高盛今年夏天每桶 80 美元的价格“上涨”2 美元,比明年布伦特原油预测的每桶 75 美元上涨 5 美元。
寿琳玲 编译自 今日油价
Goldman Sachs Raises Oil Price Forecast Following OPEC Deal
Goldman Sachs Raises Oil Price Forecast Following OPEC Deal
The agreement which OPEC+ reached on Sunday is modestly bullish for Goldman Sachs’s forecast that Brent will hit $80 per barrel this summer, the investment bank said in a note after the group agreed to start adding 400,000 bpd production each month from August.
Last week, Goldman Sachs reiterated?its $80 price forecast for Brent crude despite reports that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) had reached a deal on oil production that would extend the OPEC+ deal until the end of next year.
On Sunday, OPEC+ agreed to extend the deal from April 2020 through the end of December 2022 and to add 400,000 barrels per day (bpd) on a monthly basis beginning in August 2021 and until phasing out all the 5.8 million bpd the group is currently keeping off the market, in light of improving global oil demand. The group also gave higher baseline production levels as of May 2022 not only to the UAE but also to Saudi Arabia, Russia, Kuwait, and Iraq.
“The agreement had two distinct points of focus: a moderate increase in production which will keep the market in deficit in the coming months, as well as guidance for higher capacity which will be needed in coming years given growing under-investment,” Goldman Sachs said in a note, as carried by Reuters.
The agreement that OPEC+ reached is a $2 per barrel “upside” to Goldman’s $80 a barrel call for this summer, as well as a $5 upside to the forecast of Brent of $75 a barrel next year, the bank said.