据天然气加工网站8月13日报道 亚洲液化天然气价格继续呈上升趋势,因为该地区的需求依然坚挺。
吴恒磊 编译自 天然气加工
Asian gas prices continue upwards trend on firm demand
Asian LNG prices continued to trend upwards as demand remained firm in the region, capped price gains.
The average LNG price for September delivery into Northeast Asia was estimated at about $17.05 per metric million British thermal units (mmBtu), up 15 cents from the previous week, industry sources said.
Cargoes to be delivered in October are estimated to be about $17.30 per mmBtu, they added.
"Global gas prices have surged higher this summer on the combination of insatiable Asian demand and untenably low European storage inventories," analysts from Bank of America said.