据世界天然气8月9日消息称,冰岛电力公司 HS Orka 和总部位于英国的合资企业 Hydrogen Ventures Limited (H2V) 透露了开发绿色甲醇生产工厂的计划,该工厂使用绿色氢为海洋部门提供动力。
H2V 首席执行官Horacio Carvalho评论道:“冰岛为减少碳排放设定了雄心勃勃的目标,我们相信利用氢能源是实现这一目标的关键。”
HS Orka的首席执行官Tómas Már Siguresson表示:“我们对与 H2V 的合作感到非常兴奋……除了电力之外,HS Orka 还将能够为他们提供淡水和天然二氧化碳,这对甲醇生产至关重要。”
具体而言,HS Orka/H2V 的项目将专注于利用地热能生产绿色氢气,然后将其用于合成燃料的生产。所有生产和使用的氢都将获得“绿色氢”认证,这意味着用于产生氢的能源 100% 来自可再生能源。
该项目将包括两个阶段,初始输入功率为 30MW,然后是规模更大的第二阶段,用于生产绿色氢。
曹海斌 摘译自 世界天然气
HS Orka, H2V team up on green hydrogen and methanol project
Icelandic power company HS Orka and UK-based joint venture Hydrogen Ventures Limited (H2V) have revealed plans to develop a production plant for green methanol using green hydrogen to power the marine sector.
The parties also intend to use this clean fuel to power domestic and commercial vehicles such as cars, vans and lorries.
As explained, the new project harnessing the power of hydrogen to fuel transportation will contribute to Iceland’s ambitious target of becoming carbon neutral by 2040. More than 80% of Iceland’s energy consumption is already based on renewables – primarily geothermal and hydro power – but the development of green hydrogen projects will position the country among world leaders in the field of renewable and clean energy.
“Iceland has set itself ambitious targets for reducing its carbon emissions and we believe harnessing the power of hydrogen is crucial in achieving them,” Horacio Carvalho, H2V’s Chief Executive Officer, commented.
“We are very excited about this collaboration with H2V… in addition to electricity, HS Orka will be able to supply them with fresh water and natural carbon dioxide, which is essential for the methanol production,” Tómas Már Siguresson, HS Orka’s CEO, said.
Specifically, HS Orka/H2V’s projects will focus on using geothermal energy to produce green hydrogen, which will then be used in the production of synthetic fuels. All the hydrogen created and used will be certified ‘green hydrogen’ meaning that 100% of the energy used to generate it comes from renewable sources.
This project will comprise two phases, with an initial 30MW input, followed by the second phase of a much larger scale for the production of green hydrogen.
The total cost of Phase One is anticipated to be €100 million.