荷兰银行(ABN Amro Bank)高级能源经济学家汉斯?范?克里夫(Hans van Cleef)表示:“今天股市乐观,包括石油在内的大宗商品价格也受益。在周一的价格下跌之后,乐观投资者们将此视为买入的信号。但对变异病毒株影响未来石油需求的担忧继续限制了油价的上行。”
王佳晶 摘译自 彭博社
Oil rises with equities even as concerns over Delta persist
Oil reversed earlier losses as sentiment improved in broader markets even though the spread of the delta coronavirus variant, including in the key market, continues to pose a risk to demand.
West Texas Intermediate futures rose 0.9 per cent, after slumping by the most in two weeks on Monday. Equities in Europe gained on Tuesday with positive earnings reports helping offset concerns over the virus.
Crude rallied strongly in the first half of the year as the rollout of vaccines allowed major economies to reopen, boosting oil demand and draining the glut built up during the initial wave of the pandemic. The pace of gains slowed in July as delta began to pose a greater challenge, while the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries pushed ahead with restoring more output.
“The sentiment in stock markets being positive today, commodity prices -- including oil -- also benefit,” said Hans van Cleef, senior energy economist at ABN Amro Bank. After Monday’s price drop, “the bulls see this as a buying momentum. But the fears of the delta variant affecting future oil demand continues to cap the upside.”
WTI for September delivery rose 62 cents to US$71.88 a barrel as of 10:17 a.m. London time
Brent for October settlement gained 57 cents to US$73.46 a barrel
The rise in case worldwide could be taking a toll on oil consumption worldwide, slowing down a rebound from earlier this year.
“We are seeing probably a slight muting of demand globally, but I’m talking about a very slight muting of demand at this time,” BP Plc CEO Bernard Looney said.