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据美国油价网2021年12月15日报道,挪威著名能源研究和商业情报公司雷斯塔能源公司(Rystad)的一项分析结果显示,今年第三季度,美国陆上天然气放空燃烧量大幅下降,降至至少自2012年以来的最低水平。9月份天然气放空燃烧量为3.8亿- 3.9亿立方英尺/天,比前一个月就下降了约24%。 由于以前只有大型运营商采用的最佳做法已蔓延到规模较小的独立运营商,美国陆上天然气放空燃烧量正在下降。  

造成这一急剧下降的主要原因是巴肯和二叠纪远景区在9月份天然气放空燃烧量分别减少了约5000万立方英尺/天。 这一趋势并不出人意料,但二叠纪盆地的减少速度比预期的要快。  

Rystad说,“虽然巴肯盆地的燃除量减少与我们的预期基本一致,但根据我们对卫星数据的分析,二叠纪盆地的变化速度令人惊讶。 Rystad页岩气研究主管Artem Abramov表示:“美国陆上天然气放空燃烧量的全面下降是一个具体的迹象,表明最佳实践正从大型生产商蔓延到小型私营运营商,而且在可预见的未来,这种趋势可能会持续下去?!?/p>

私营企业对天然气放空燃烧总量的贡献已从2021年4月61.5%的创纪录高位下降,截至9月为52.3%。 然而,这一比例明显高于这些公司对天然气总燃烧量的贡献,9月份为24.8%。  



巴肯地区的天然气燃除强度仍然明显高位于得克萨斯州和新墨西哥州的盆地。尽管如此,从2021年7月天然气工厂维修季节的的10%下降了。 截至9月,巴肯地区放空燃烧的总天然气量约占6.1%,天然气燃烧强度基本上回到了今年初的多年低点。 然而,由于北达科他州的天然气产量在今年大大超过了原油产量,9月份该州石油生产的天然气燃除强度仍在每桶164立方英尺左右,比今年1月的纪录水平高出约15%。

在二叠纪盆地,几乎所有的主要作业地区或子盆地在第三季度都经历了多年来的天然气放空燃烧量下降。 例如,2019年第三季度,特拉华州东部次盆地的气油比较低,燃除强度为5.7%,按绝对值计算相当于1.31亿立方英尺/天的天然气被燃除。今年第三季度,该次盆地的燃除强度降至1.1%,仍略高于整个盆地的平均水平1.0%,这意味着该次盆地仅燃烧了2600万立方英尺/天的天然气。特拉华州北部(新墨西哥州)和特拉华州西部的天然气燃除强度仍然领先,今年第三季度达到0.7%,低于2018年第4季度的峰值4.9%和2017年第4季度的峰值5.7%。 特拉华州中北部是另一个主要的次盆地,第三季度的燃除强度平均低于1%,为0.9%。 中东部和二叠纪盆地其他地区第三季度的燃除强度分别为1.4%和1.5%。

李峻 编译自 美国油价网


U.S. onshore Gas Flaring Falls To Lowest Level Since 2012

onshore gas flaring in the US nosedived in the third quarter of 2021, falling to its lowest level since at least 2012*, a Rystad Energy analysis shows. Flaring activity reached 380-390 million cubic feet per day (MMcfd) in September, a roughly 24% fall from the prior month alone. Flaring activity is tumbling as best practices that only major operators had previously adopted spread to smaller, independent players.

The most significant contributors to this steep decline were the Bakken and Permian plays, which saw reduced flaring of around 50 MMcfd each in September. This trend was not unexpected, but the Permian declined rate was more dramatic than anticipated.

“While the reduction in the Bakken was largely in line with expectations, based on our analysis of satellite data, the rate of change in the Permian is surprising. The decline in flaring activity across the board is a concrete sign that best practices are spreading beyond just large producers to small, privately-owned operators too, and this trend looks likely to continue in the foreseeable future,” says Artem Abramov, head of shale research at Rystad Energy.

The contribution of privately-owned players to gas flaring totals has declined from a record high of 61.5% in April 2021 and sits at 52.3% as of September. However, that rate is significantly greater than the same companies’ contributions to total gas output, which was 24.8% in September.

Declining gas flaring is a trend across the basins. The average flaring intensity across the 50 largest gas producers in the Permian was 1.6% in the third quarter of 2021, compared to 2.5% in the first half of 2021 and 3.2% in 2020.

The Permian’s wellhead flaring intensity hit a multi-year record low of 0.8% in September. The basin has demonstrated steady improvements in its flaring intensity since 2019, closely following the reduction in south Texas’ Eagle Ford, with a five-to-six-month lag. Eagle Ford operators flared only 0.4% of gas in September, but their flaring intensity in the first half of 2021 was also close to the 1% mark.

The Bakken region's intensity remains significantly higher than basins in Texas and New Mexico. Still, it has come down from an elevated level of 10% in July 2021 during the gas plant maintenance season. about 6.1% of gross gas was flared in the Bakken as of September, with gas-based flaring intensity levels essentially returning to previous multi-year lows recorded in early 2021. However, as gas production in North Dakota substantially outperformed the oil stream in 2021, flaring intensity on an oil production basis in the state was still at around 164 cubic feet per barrel in September, roughly 15% higher than the level recorded in January 2021.

Honing in on the Permian basin, nearly all major operating areas, or sub-basins, experienced multi-year flared gas volume lows in the third quarter. For instance, the low gas-to-oil ratio Delaware East sub-basin had a flaring intensity of 5.7% in the third quarter of 2019, the equivalent of 131 MMcfd of flared gas in absolute terms. In the third quarter of 2021, flaring intensity levels in the sub-basin declined to 1.1% -- still marginally higher than the basinwide average of 1.0% - meaning only 26 MMcfd of gas was flared in the sub-basin. Delaware North (New Mexico) and Delaware West still lead in terms of flaring intensity levels, reaching 0.7% in 2021’s third quarter, down from the peak of 4.9% in the fourth quarter of 2018 for Delaware North and 5.7% in the fourth quarter of 2017 for Delaware West. The Midland North is another major sub-basin that experienced flaring intensity level averages below 1% in the third quarter, coming in at 0.9%. The Midland East and the rest of Permian’s intensity was 1.4% and 1.5%, respectively, for the third quarter.

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