据世界石油1月10日消息称,加拿大海外石油有限公司是一家国际石油和天然气勘探、生产和开发公司,业务集中在美国怀俄明州,该公司宣布在其怀俄明州资产发现一处的常规轻油区域。此外,COPL还提供了其Barron Flats Shannon油田生产的操作更新。
COPL总裁兼首席执行官Arthur Millholland表示:“我们在2021年1月收购了Atomic Oil & Gas,我们意识到勘探的巨大潜力,但收购的基本原理和财务模式反映了现有油井的长期生产流量为5000桶/天。从那时起,我们增加了现有井的产量,并加快了勘探计划,今天宣布了新发现。这凸显了怀俄明州资产的长期生产潜力,其生产规模比我们最初的预期高出许多倍。”
朱佳妮 摘译自 世界石油
Canadian Overseas Petroleum Ltd announces significant U.S. discovery
Canadian Overseas Petroleum Limited, an international oil and gas exploration, production and development company with operations focused in Wyoming, USA, announced a significant conventional light oil discovery at its Wyoming asset. In addition, COPL provides an operational update on its Barron Flats Shannon Field production.
Arthur Millholland, President & CEO of COPL, said "We acquired Atomic Oil & Gas in January 2021 aware of the significant exploration upside, however the acquisition rationale and financial model reflected a long-term production flow from existing wells of 5,000 barrels per day. Since then, we have increased production from the existing wells and accelerated our exploration program which has resulted in today's announced discovery. This highlights the potential for the Wyoming asset to generate long-term production on a scale many multiples greater than our original expectation."
"We are delighted that this discovery reflects the scale of previous discoveries made over my career and in particular, the North Sea. We estimate the Frontier element of the discovery to cover an area of approximately 51 square miles with the capacity of up to three horizontal wells per square mile each initially producing 1,000 - 3,000 barrels per day. We plan a phased production program and have already applied for permits covering four horizontal wells. We will use internal resources to cover the initial costs of development whilst full field development plans are evaluated. This discovery highlights the long-term sustainable production outlook from this outstanding asset."
"This is a significant oil discovery and the size of the upside at our Wyoming asset was a surprise to us all. Conventional light oil discoveries of this magnitude have been rare in continental North America for years if not decades. We control the majority of this discovery as it is coincident with our large contiguous lease block. We will start exploiting the discovery this year."