据今日石油网2022年1月26日报道,截至去年年底,圭亚那出口总收入达到43.52亿美元,比前年的25.9亿美元增加68%。 据圭亚那财政部长阿什尼?辛格博士周三在其2022年预算报告中称,这主要是由圭亚那石油出口增加179.6%,达到29.755亿美元,去年圭亚那石油产量和价格均有所增加。
辛格博士说,与出口的增长力度相匹配,圭亚那去年进口总额增长90.8%,达到42.931亿美元。 这位经济学家表示,这主要是由于圭亚那第二艘“Liza Unity 号”FPSO的到来,这艘FPSO占去年总进口额的38.6%或16.586亿美元。
特别是,随着“Liza Unity 号”FPSO的投产,原油出口收入增加107.7%,达到61.806亿美元。
至于去年非石油类出口,预计增加17.1%,达到16.121亿美元。 与此同时,由于目前没有新的FPSO投入使用,预计进口额下降31.1%,至29.571亿美元。
李峻 编译自 今日石油网
Oil drives Guyana’s export earnings to massive 68% increase
At the end of 2021, Guyana’s total export earnings amounted to US$4,352 million, 68 percent higher than the US$2,590 million earned in 2020. According to the country’s Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh during his 2022 budget presentation on Wednesday, this was mainly driven by oil exports growing by 179.6 percent to US$2,975.5 million amid increases in both volume and price.
With respect to non-oil export earnings, he said this amounted to US$1,376.5 million.
Matching the intensity of the rise in exports, Dr. Singh said total import payments grew by 90.8 percent to US$4,293.1 million. The economist said this was primarily attributed to the arrival of Guyana’s second FPSO, Liza Unity, which accounted for US$1,658.6 million or 38.6 percent of total imports for 2021.
In particular, the finance minister said crude oil exports are projected to increase by 107.7 percent to US$6,180.6 million amid the commencement of production from Liza Unity.
As for non-oil exports, the finance minister said this is forecast to increase by 17.1 percent to US$1,612.1 million. At the same time, imports are expected to fall by 31.1 percent to US$2,957.1 million, as no new FPSO is projected to be