? 沙特公共投资基金(PIF)是沙特可再生能源的最大投资者之一
? PIF得到沙特政府授权将70%的资产投资于清洁能源
? 沙特阿美将不会从4%股份转让中获取任何收益
据电力/能源转型2022年2月13日报道,世界上最大的石油出口公司沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美/Saudi Aramco)2月13日在一份提交给其股票交易的沙特联交所(Tadawul)的一份声明中说,该公司向本国主权财富基金沙特公共投资基金(PIF)转让了4%的股份,PIF预计将把所得用于国内项目。
能源咨询公司卡马尔能源公司首席执行官罗宾·米尔斯表示,这些资金可以用于可再生能源,沙特Neom未来城项目占据“其中的很大一部分资金”。 “Neom未来城项目周围有一个氢气项目和其他项目。” 米尔斯指出,沙特阿美750亿美元的年度股息中有280亿美元进入了该基金,这是一笔“相当可观的资金”。
PIF得到沙特政府的授权,将其70%的资产投入到沙特阿拉伯的可再生项目中。 PIF选择了13个发展领域,其中包括太阳能和风能发电项目和开发,这是沙特阿拉伯“2030愿景”战略的一部分,这个战略旨在实现沙特阿拉伯经济的多元化。
沙特阿美在2019年在沙特联交所(Tadawul)首次上市,筹集了256亿美元,这是世界上最大的首次公开募股(IPO)。 沙特阿美后来又增发了一些股票,将总筹集资金提高到了294亿美元。
李峻 编译自 电力/能源转型网站
Aramco shares switch may boost Saudi renewables
? PIF is among biggest investors in Saudi renewables
? Fund mandated to invest 70% of assets in clean energy
? Aramco will not receive any proceeds from transfer
·Electric Power, Energy Transition
Saudi Aramco, the world's largest oil-exporting company, transferred 4% of its shares to the kingdom's Public Investment Fund, which is expected to use the proceeds towards domestic projects, the company said in a statement on Feb. 13 to the Tadawul where its shares trade.
The PIF is one of the biggest backers of renewable projects in Saudi Arabia, including the $500 billion futuristic Neom development.
The funds could be used for renewables, with Neom "a large part of it," said Robin Mills, CEO of Qamar Energy. "There's a hydrogen project and other things around Neom." He noted that $28 billion of Aramco's annual dividend of $75 billion goes to the fund, which is "substantial funding."
The PIF has the mandate from the Saudi state to put 70% of its assets in renewable projects in Saudi Arabia. Power projects and developments in solar and wind form part of 13 sectors the fund has chosen for development as part of the kingdom's Vision 2030 strategy intended to diversify the economy from oil.
The PIF continues to achieve its strategy by maximizing the value of its assets, launching new sectors, forming strategic partnerships, and localizing knowledge and technologies," Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said in a statement to the Saudi Press Agency.
Saudi Aramco and the PIF are closely linked, as Aramco's Chairman Yasir Al Rumayyan also serves as the governor of the fund.
"Following the transfer, the state remains Saudi Aramco's largest shareholder, retaining more than 94% shareholding," Aramco said in a statement to the local bourse.
The transfer of shares was "private" between the state and the PIF and Aramco was not a party to the transfer nor did it enter into any agreements regarding payments or receive proceeds from the transfer, it added.
The company first listed shares on the Saudi stock exchange, Tadawul, in 2019, raising $25.6 billion in the world's largest initial public offering. The company later sold more shares raising the total to $29.4 billion.