据世界石油2月15日消息称,海王星能源和 RWE 宣布签署联合开发协议,在 2030 年之前开发海上绿色氢项目“H2opZee”。
该管道的容量为 10-12 吉瓦 (GW),因此已经适合在北海进一步推出千兆瓦级绿色氢气生产。目的是在 2022 年第二季度开始可行性研究。该项目是TKI Wind op Zee的倡议,该倡议由荷兰政府支持,将人员、知识和资金结合在一起,以支持海上能源转型。
H2opZee 由两个阶段组成。首先,将进行可行性研究,并建立一个可访问的知识平台。其目标是开始在荷兰推广在海上使用氢气。第二阶段将实施该项目。对于这一阶段,招标方法尚未确定。
海王星能源在荷兰的董事总经理 Lex de Groot 说:“我们认为绿色氢在未来的能源供应中扮演着重要的角色,它可以在北海生产。如果我们将现有的天然气基础设施整合到新的系统中,能源转型就可以更快、更便宜、更清洁。
RWE可再生能源公司的海上风能首席执行官Sven Uterm?hlen说:“氢是能源密集型行业脱碳的游戏规则改变者,H2opZee是世界上第一个这种类型和规模的。在海王星能源公司的支持下,我们希望开发H2opZee项目,以展示海上风能如何成为大规模生产绿色氢的理想合作伙伴,并探索系统集成方面的最佳方式。
“对于RWE,我们在海上风电领域拥有 20 年的历史记录,并且在整个价值链中拥有氢能专业知识。我们相信,从H2opZee示范项目中获得的经验将有助于提高荷兰的氢经济,因为这是向大规模推广海上绿色氢生产迈出的重要一步。”
朱佳妮 摘译自 世界石油
Neptune Energy & RWE to accelerate green hydrogen production in Dutch North Sea
Neptune Energy and RWE announced the signing of a Joint Development Agreement to develop the offshore green hydrogen project "H2opZee" ahead of 2030.
H2opZee is a demonstration project which aims to build 300-500 megawatts (MW) electrolyzer capacity in the North Sea to produce green hydrogen using offshore wind. The hydrogen will then be transported to land through an existing pipeline.
The pipeline has a capacity of 10-12 gigawatts (GW), so is already suitable for the further roll-out of green hydrogen production to gigawatt scale in the North Sea. The intention is to begin the feasibility study in the second quarter of 2022. The project is an initiative of TKI Wind op Zee, an initiative supported by the Dutch government bringing people, knowledge and financing together to support the offshore energy transition.
H2opZee consists of two phases. In the first, a feasibility study will be carried out and an accessible knowledge platform will be set up. The objective is to start the roll-out of hydrogen at sea in the Netherlands. In the second phase, the project will be implemented. For this phase, a tender methodology has yet to be defined.
Neptune Energy’s Managing Director in the Netherlands, Lex de Groot, said: “We see an important role for green hydrogen in future energy supply, and it can be produced here in the North Sea. The energy transition can be faster, cheaper and cleaner if we integrate existing gas infrastructure into new systems.
“This infrastructure is technically suitable, no new pipeline at sea is needed and no new landfall is required through the coastal area. With the PosHYdon pilot we are one of the leaders in this field of offshore energy system integration and reuse. The lessons learned from this project apply to H2opZee.
“The faster we can scale up green hydrogen at sea, the faster industries such as chemicals and steel production can become more sustainable. With H2opZee, the Netherlands is becoming a world leader in this area. That is why we, together with RWE, are enthusiastic about H2opZee and what it has to offer the Netherlands.”
Sven Uterm?hlen, CEO Offshore Wind at RWE Renewables, said: “Hydrogen is a gamechanger in the decarbonisation of energy-intensive sectors and H2opZee is a world first of this kind and scale. With Neptune Energy at our side, we want to develop the H2opZee project to demonstrate how offshore wind can be an ideal partner for the production of green hydrogen at scale and to explore the best way in terms of system integration.
“As RWE, we have a 20-years’ track record in offshore wind and have the hydrogen expertise along the entire value chain under one roof. We are convinced that learnings from the H2opZee demonstration project will help in ramping-up the hydrogen economy in the Netherlands as it presents an important step towards the roll-out of green hydrogen production offshore at large scale.”