据世界天然气2月28日消息称,澳大利亚能源巨头桑托斯已与韩国绿色能源公司 SK E&S 合作开展碳捕获和储存项目。
Santos、SK E&S、K-CCUS协会、CO2CRC和韩国贸易保险公司签署了一份谅解备忘录 (MoU),以支持和合作开发二氧化碳储存设施。
Bayu-Undan 的 CCS 将具有每年储存约 1000 万吨二氧化碳的潜力。
桑托斯首席执行官Kevin Gallagher表示,该交易凸显了亚太地区减少碳排放的增长势头和行动?!霸黾?CCS 的部署对于实现世界气候目标至关重要?!?/p>
曹海斌 摘译自 世界天然气
Santos and SK to work on CCS projects in Australia
Australian energy giant Santos has teamed up with South Korea’s green energy company SK E&S on carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects.
Santos, SK E&S, K-CCUS Association, CO2CRC, and Korea Trade Insurance Corporation have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to support and collaborate in the development of CO2 storage facilities.
Therefore, the parties agreed to jointly develop CCS projects in Australia and the region, including Bayu-Undan in Timor Leste.
CCS at Bayu-Undan would have the potential capacity to store approximately 10 million tonnes of CO2 a year.
Santos CEO Kevin Gallagher said the deal highlights growing momentum and action to reduce carbon emissions in the Asia Pacific. “Increased deployment of CCS is critical to achieve the world’s climate goals.”
“This agreement opens the potential for broader bilateral partnership and cooperation on CCS between Australia and Korea.”