据阿拉伯贸易网2022 年3月7日迪拜报道,阿联酋一位高级政府官员日前表示,阿联酋承诺通过国内和国外投资支持能源转型,阿联酋将斥资1630亿美元使本国的能源结构多样化。
在全球能源和公用事业论坛开幕式上,阿联酋能源和基础设施部负责电力、水和未来能源部门的助理副部长优素福·阿里说:“国际可再生能源署(Irena)预测,从现在到2050年,能源转型投资将比计划投资增加30%,达到131万亿美元,阿联酋承诺通过国内和国外投资支持这一能源转型。 为了实现我们的目标,我们计划投资1630亿美元,使我们的能源结构多样化?!?/p>
未来十年,阿联酋将专注于通过太阳能和核能推动清洁电气化,实施透明政策,提高能源效率,减少碳和甲烷排放。 阿里说,推动氢燃料技术的商业化创新,并在这些行动的同时实施战略,开启资本流动,以支持清洁能源转型,确保可负担性和可靠性。
阿里说,“氢在能源转型和阿联酋未来的能源结构中发挥着关键作用,对我们的工业部门、运输部门和化石燃料部门的脱碳至关重要。 阿联酋决心引领化石燃料行业的脱碳和可持续发展。 我们的国家石油公司阿布扎比国家石油公司(ADNOC)的目标是到2030年前将温室气体排放强度降低25%左右,并将其碳捕获能力扩大近500%,从而巩固ADNOC作为全球碳密集程度最低的能源生产商之一的地位?!?/p>
李峻 编译自 阿拉伯贸易网
UAE to invest $163bn in energy diversification
The UAE’s committed to supporting the energy transition through domestic and foreign investment with a spending of $163 billion to diversify the country’s energy mix, a senior official has said.
Speaking during the opening session of the Global Energy & Utilities Forum, taking place live and in person at Middle East Energy 2022, Yousif Al Ali, Assistant Undersecretary for the Electricity, Water and Future Energy Sector at the UAE Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, said: “With Irena forecasting that energy transition investments will have to increase by 30% over planned investment to a total of $131 trillion between now and 2050, the UAE is committed to supporting this transition through domestic and foreign investment. To achieve our ambition, we plan to invest $163 billion to diversify our energy mix.”
Over the next decade, the UAE will focus on driving clean electrification through solar and nuclear, implementation of transparent policies, improving energy efficiency, reducing carbon and methane emissions, and turbocharging innovation to commercialise hydrogen technology and accompany these actions by strategies to unlock capital flows in support of clean energy transition to ensure affordability and reliability, he said.
“Hydrogen has a key role to play in the energy transition and the UAE’s future energy system and will be crucial to decarbonise our industries, transportation sector, and the fossil fuel sector. The UAE is determined to lead the decarbonisation and sustainability of the fossil fuel sector. Our national oil company ADNOC aims to decrease greenhouse emissions intensity by around 25% by 2030 and expand their carbon capture capacity by almost 500%, reinforcing ADNOC’s position as one of the least carbon-intensive producers globally,” he said.