据海上能源4月11日消息,挪威运营商Aker BP及其合作伙伴Pandion Energy已从位于挪威近海北海南部的Hod B开始生产。
2020年6月,挪威议会通过了石油税收制度的临时改革的第二天,Hod B的第一批钢材在Verdal的Aker Solutions厂房里被切割。现在,不到两年后,Aker BP周一通知,生产已经开始。
Aker BP首席执行官Karl Johnny Hersvik表示:“Hod B在不到两年后就开始生产,这是个好消息!这表明,2020年春季,当石油行业因大规模疫情和油价大幅下跌而陷入瘫痪时,临时性税收改革是如何成熟起来的,并产生了真正的影响。Aker BP和Pandion Energy立即回应了政客们的期望,即在全国范围内为供应行业创造活力?!?/p>
随着Hod B的快速批准,该项目已经经历了一个艰巨的时期:在Verdal切割第一块钢材14个月后,该平台按照计划安装在海上。
作为提醒,现为Aker Solutions的Kvaerner于2020年6月获得了一份为该平台交付上部结构和钢制下部结构的合同。在第一次钢材切割之后仅一年零两个月,下部于2021年7月安装,上部安装于同年8月。
Hersvik补充说:“有许多人可以庆祝Hod油田二氧化碳排放量几乎为零的盈利生产的开始。通过像Hod B这样的项目,我们正在为公司、合作伙伴、联盟伙伴、所有者和整个挪威社会创造价值。我们还在为维持挪威世界领先的供应商行业作出贡献。”
据Aker BP称,在投产前的一段时间内,Subsea 7在Hod项目中进行了多次海底活动,例如气举管道、生产流水线和脐带管的安装和连接。Maersk Invincible自升式钻井平台已经钻了六口生产井,并且在Valhall油田中心进行了改造工作。
共有五个联盟为Hod项目作出了贡献。联盟从头到尾都集成在项目中,通过这样做,Aker BP将联盟模式提升到了一个新的水平。
Hod B是一个通常无人操作的井口平台,从Valhall现场中心进行远程操作。得益于海岸电力,Hod油田的二氧化碳排放量将接近于零。
Aker BP和合作伙伴Pandion Energy预计Hod将生产4000万桶石油。
Valhall资产经理Ole Johan Molvig表示:“Hod为实现Valhall从该地区生产总计20亿桶石油的目标作出了重要贡献?!?/p>
祝精燕 摘译自 海上能源
Aker BP brings online North Sea project less than two years after first steel
Norwegian operator Aker BP and its partner Pandion Energy have?started production?from the Hod B in the southern North Sea offshore Norway.
The first steel for Hod B was cut in Aker Solutions’ yard in Verdal, the day after the Norwegian Parliament adopted temporary changes in the petroleum tax regime in June 2020. Now, less than two years later, the production has started, Aker BP informed on Monday.
Karl Johnny Hersvik, CEO of Aker BP, said: “Production start-up from Hod B less than two years after, is great news! It demonstrates how the temporary tax changes, matured in the spring of 2020 when the industry was paralyzed by a pandemic and a sharp fall in oil prices, has had a real impact. Aker BP and Pandion Energy responded immediately to the politicians’ expectation of creating activity for the supplier industry across the country.”
In line with the rapid sanctioning of Hod B, the project has been delivered through a demanding period: 14 months after the first steel was cut in Verdal, the platform was installed offshore – in accordance with the plan.
As a reminder, Kvaerner, now Aker Solutions, secured a contract to deliver the topside and steel substructure for the platform in June 2020. The jacket was installed in July 2021 and the topside in August of the same year, just one year and two months after the first steel cut.
Hersvik added: “There are many who can celebrate the start of profitable production with almost zero CO2 emissions from the Hod field. Through projects like Hod B, we are creating value both for the company, partners, alliance partners, owners and the Norwegian society at large. We are also contributing to sustain a world-leading supplier industry in Norway.”
According to Aker BP, in the period leading up to production start-up, Subsea 7 has conducted several subsea campaigns in the Hod project, such as the installation and connection of the gas lift pipelines, production flowlines and umbilicals. The Maersk Invincible jack-up rig has drilled six production wells, and modification work has been carried out at the Valhall field centre.
A total of five alliances have contributed to the Hod project. The alliances have been integrated from start to finish in the project and by doing this, Aker BP has taken the alliance model to a new level.
Hod B is a normally unmanned wellhead platform, remotely operated from the Valhall field centre. Production from the Hod field will have close to zero CO2 emissions thanks to power from shore.
Aker BP and partner Pandion Energy expect Hod to produce 40 million barrels of oil.
“Hod is an important contribution towards achieving the Valhall ambition of producing a total of two billion barrels from the area,” said Valhall Asset Manager, Ole Johan Molvig.